I judge a tour's setlist based on how many songs are performed from the album that the tour is meant to be promoting.
Triumph Tour: 4 songs performed from Triumph, which has 9 songs.
Victory Tour: 0 songs performed from the Victory album.
Bad Tour 88/89: 7 songs performed from the Bad album, that has 11 songs.
Dangerous Tour: 4 songs from Dangerous performed in 1992. 5 songs from Dangerous performed in 1993.
So overall, 5 songs from a 14 track album, which is very disappointing.
History Tour: 8 songs performed from History, which has 15 songs.
So overall, I would say that Bad Tour 88/89 had the best setlist and Victory Tour had the worst setlist. Dangerous Tour had the worst setlist, if we are talking exclusively about his solo tours.