Which songs help you when your down?


Proud Member
Mar 6, 2008
The Netherlands
This thread is for posting songs that lift your spirit or that you feel empower you.
Or maybe just inspirational songs ;)
Especially from artists besides Michael.

I'll start of by posting a song that always seems to help me during hard times.


Not really the lyrics, but more just the composition of the song. So uplifting!

And I know it's a bit lame but -

These 2 songs has always manage to make me smile and laugh.

Cuckoo sings..

My heart is searching for my lover
The song which you sing
Is hurting my heart
The 'sur' that you playing
Is other than the seven 'surs's known

I agree that you like to sing
But tell me,
Where is the melody?

Your voice is a punishment for our ears
Whosoever listen's to your song
Begs you to stop singing

Be cautious
Of being so cruel
Be cautious
Of singing so badly

I like whatever the one
My heart like's
And one who expresses love,sings

Hold the throat of
The one who does not sing
In tune
And sing's like running horses

My love is deep
Your love is deaf
My stopping heart
Asks to stop singing

I like the one
Who does not speak,
Nor ever open her lips
And remains in my arms

Back off,crazy!
You don't know that
The one who listen's to his heart
Is an intelligent person

Stop hitting this drum
Come to your senses
My good friend,
Stop it!!!!
Esp. back in the winter of 2007 and 2008, this song helped me a lot.

"You can do it!" "Everything's gonna be alright" "You can be happy"---these types of songs certainly are NOT what I usually depend on when I'm down.
I gravitate towards songs about singing blues, whining and moaning.

Sometimes - Bilal

The very 1st line goes like this:
I wish I wasn't me...Sometimes

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror

It's my fave song just because of fantastic ad-libs..
When I'm down I just listen to - ''You got to stand up, stand up, stand up yourself now WHOO, WHOO! Stand up, brother! Stand up, sister!'' :)