which day? this is it


Proud Member
Jun 22, 2009
Hi i was wondering if in the year after this is it, its known which day of rehearsal what clothes he wore.. so you know if you see the perfomance what the date is..

hope anyone know?
i mean if you see him sing see they dont care about us, he weares a black pants some red undershirt and a colbert? this outfit he wore it see for example 23 june 2009.. so you know if he has that outfit on the performance was on that day... im curieus which performence were at the last two days..

do you understand?
He got the t-shirt with curls from my girls 23th june from a fan and he used it in rehearsals the day after.
why cant you react anymore?

The two ive read it all, but they speak not the same dates... so its not clear to me yet.. but i cant give a post on it???
That's because those threads were archived. You can't post to archived threads.
aha ok maybe someone from the threads can post the outcome of the research fans did...

because its not really clear. So if some read this who know something :)

I got this far from the differents from forum and staples.. but when did michael were the blue shirt he wears while doing billy jane.. he looked very good there :)
Billie Jean was performed at the Forum. So must be sometime between June 4th and June 19th. Before, I thought it was on June 19, their last day at Forum. In the episode where they are standing in a circle Kenny wishes everyone a good Sunday (could be before Father's Day), Michael wears the same blue shirt. But now we know that Michael wasn't feeling well that day, didn't rehearse and was sent home by KO. So, it's confusing now :scratch:
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i agree with you... i found him very well doing in the blue :D

I miss him so much.. and it would helped if they putted dates in the pieces.. in the film..

I thought i heared his children saw him performe earth song. Was this on 24 june?