Which date would you choose, if you could decide the date?


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
if you could, which date would you choose to die?
I'm sorry if this is an inappropiate question, but I was jus thinking these past days that if I were to determine the date, I'd choose June 25.

I wanna apologize if this is not allowed to ask and/or in the wrong forum
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Re: Which date would you choose?

"l want to live forever." :(
April 30th, 5 May, 23 May, June 4th, June 25th, July 12, or December 2. All important dates for me.

Really, if I could pick <i>one</i> date, it'd be 15 März. The Ides of March! Fall, Caesar!
I think I would choose June 25, too. It's the most fucked up day in the year, anyway...
The date I die is not important and makes no difference to me becuase I wont be here :)
But I would say I prefer not to be on June 25th a day to remember Michael not me.
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When I die does not really matter to me because that is something that is in God's hands and so he will decide, when it is my time to rest in peace.
I don't care about 'dates' too... TIME is just 'man made'... I mean there is only NOW... I'll know when its time to go HOME and it wasn't last year in May or in August ;)
Hopefully in Summer so that my family/friends are not cold at my funeral. Other than that, I don't really care.

By the way, strange thread lol.
I don't care what date I die on. I don't find it important. Well actually, no. I wouldn't want to die on my birthday, June 25, family's birthday or on any holidays. My birthday is a day for my family to celebrate me, not my death and holidays should be happy times, not mournful times. My family's birthdays shouldn't be mournful of me either. And well, June 25, and add Michael's birthday to that, are days for Michael.
Well I'd choose June 25 cuz no one in my family mours Michael anyways, and so with me passing on the same day it would at least be a reminder to them, and they'd see the strong ''bond' I have with MJ, that way they'd always be reminded that both of us died on the same day.