Where would you go and why??

Goodbye Michael

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If you could go ANYWHERE in the world where would it be and for what reasons?....

For me, it was AFRICA. I saw the movies, read about it and always saw it as this majestic beautiful place with incredible wildlife and landscapes that was a world away and in my dreams.

so of course when i became an adult and wanted to see the world...that's where i went.

best thing i ever did, and now i'm married to an African so i will be returning many times (although i haven't yet been to my husbands country)

What about YOU!!??
There are lots of places I'd love to go to. I'd probably go to the Maldives first. It looks like a beautiful place, a tropical paradise. Apparently the island will be under water in the future (maybe in a hundred years or so). :(


It would be India for me. Because of this huge major love that I have for their music and their Bollywood movies. Especially the ones staring Shahruhk Khan. OMG do I ever so love him and his movies.

Haha, I have a calendar with his image on it, even though I'm not a big fan. There were being given away for free at a store...
Yeah, India would be a great place to check out. I'd love to go to Pondicherry.. just because it used to be a French colony and I would love to see their architecture..
Hmm...if I could go anywhere in the world I would want to go to Australia. No real reason why...I just imagine that it is probably beautiful there!

Or maybe Hawaii because yanno, who doesn't wanna go to Hawaii?? LOL
for me its new zealand - xena country! (lol) its a beautiful country and so tropical and lush and they have volcanoes too and i've always wanted to see a volcano so yeah, new zealand for me
There's so many places I want to visit I honestly can't name only one :no:
It's a tie for me between Paris, France and Ireland (not sure of what city yet). I love both French and Irish culture.

I love the thought of staying Paris. All of the fashion, lights.....and French men. :wub: LOL! Then I love the idea of the countryside in Ireland.....and Irish men. :wub: :cheeky: