Where were the £50 seats??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
Sorry if this has been answered before but I was just thinking about this.

Where exactly were the £50 seats in the arena located?? The only price brackets I got offered were £75 or £65 and, out of everyone that I've talked to, no-one got £50 seats.

Also, to a lesser extent, where were the £65 seats? I know some people that got them but I'm just unsure what percentage of tickets avaliable were, in fact, below £75.

I think it should have been made clear to fans before tickets went on sale what ticket prices were where.
i think it was only the very back upper tier, such as blocks 412,411,410 that were cheaper
i think it was only the very back upper tier, such as blocks 412,411,410 that were cheaper

Must be the back rows in those sections then because I had one ticket to Block 410 row B and it was 75 pounds....
I saw some on See that were £65 and they were top tier back blocks like 415 row T or something like that. No idea about £50 ones though.
i havnt read/heard of anyone who got a £50 ticket. wouldnt be surprised if they dont excist. my bro got a £65 ticket think its block 408 and something like row s. those seats are prob as far away as u can get hence the price. but i think its tiny amount that cost that price. just made it look good to give different price brackets when infact 90 odd % of the tickets cost 75
There was none, apparently because of content of show!! Lots of it will be up in the air lol so , ppl with upper tier will still see him!
I have the 2x£50 seats. BK 408! I never got offered the 65 though.
the £50 and £65 seats were only in blocks 406-407 and 417-418 i think or the next ones along.

and it was only two rows right at the back up the top.

very very very back row was £50 and the 2nd to back was £65
^ lol. one person out of 750,000 people lol.

Actually there's 2 of us as I bought the 2nd ticket for a friend. She doesn't visit the forums. Now I feel special to have the phantom seat that most thought it didn't exist. :lol:

But I'm sure there are many others. They aren't on this forum ATM I guess.
well thats what got told!! seemed feasible

We wait and see!:p
I got a 50 pound ticket and it was dead back of the arena. I also got a 75 pound one and it was pretty darn close to the dead back of the arena, so I don't know what gives.
They included the £50 and £65 tickets just to look good when the prices were announced, but I expect this is the case with many different artists, not just Mike. As somebody else said, the vast majority of trickets were £75, which seems a little unfair TBH.
But you dont no whats going to happen at the show because you never no Michael might on a craned platform for most of it , in which case the guys at the back near the top may have the best view hence why some of those tickets have been £75.
where ever uy sit u will have a decent view, even though it wud be amazing to sit at the front, i dont mind sitting at the back cos u get more of a feeling like an arena and u can see everything and every1.