Where The Wild Things Are - movie -


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brynar <3 :)
All I want to say is WOw. I love this movie. I didn't think it was going to be this interesting. I remember the book. It was slightly different. I think the movie was better to be honest.
Anyone esle see this film?
It's really psychological. I didn't know what to think of it at first. But it hit me later. And I had to see it again.

Great film. It's up there with AI (Artificial Intelligence) in terms of how bizarre it was. But very emotional.

It really allows you to have your own perception. Not bolted down to one prism.

Just thought I'd share. hehe. I recently saw it on Netflix. :D
I remember the book from when I was little, I really want to see this, it looks good!
another one that I remember as a child

I remember the book from when I was little, I really want to see this, it looks good!

Yeah please see it. Anyone reading this who hasn't seen it, trust me, watch it.
It's really interesting. It's not a kiddie fantasy movie that many would expect. It's actually pretty emotional and a bit unsettling in some parts but wonderful all together. :cheeky:
I'd love to know what you think after you see it.

another one that I remember as a child


That book is very very familiar. I don't think I read it though but I'm almost darned sure I saw it featured on Reading Rainbow many years ago. :D
My auntie is a librarian, and she has a signed copy of 'Where The Wild Things Are' that she used to bring out and let us read when we were at her house. It is her favourite kids book and i have fond memories of reading it and watching the cartoon when i was little.

I haven't seen the film, but am looking forward to seeing it when it comes out on DVD!
My auntie is a librarian, and she has a signed copy of 'Where The Wild Things Are' that she used to bring out and let us read when we were at her house. It is her favourite kids book and i have fond memories of reading it and watching the cartoon when i was little.

I haven't seen the film, but am looking forward to seeing it when it comes out on DVD!

Yeah the film is pretty deep. I saw the cartoon too. :)
The movie is a deeper extension of it. When i finished watching it, it had me thinking about it over and over.
The character visuals are fantastic and very realistic. The child actor is great.
Very strange but solid. :)
awesome. I just read it comes out On March 2, 2010! Im going to get the dvd when it comes out :)