Where that 911 call TAPE came from?

The call came from his house, it's a real call. People are coming up with all kinds of theories. The sound quality doesn't say anything.
The LA Fire Department released that recording to help any media or police inquiries.

It shows their high professional standards and their respectful approach to each and every individual whom they assist.
yes but... i'll put that quote from the article:

" if you listen tape, you will hear better Caller as Hospital Operator, if tape come from hospital, Operator must be heard better as Caller."

i listen... and.... the Fire Department Operator, sound to me that is not on the front line.
yes but... i'll put that quote from the article:

" if you listen tape, you will hear better Caller as Hospital Operator, if tape come from hospital, Operator must be heard better as Caller."

i listen... and.... the Fire Department Operator, sound to me that is not on the front line.

Why would you hear one better over the other? It's a recorded conversation, both should be heard equally loud or not.
I don't really understand what the poster means. What does he mean with the "front line"?
It's the same line.
yes but... i'll put that quote from the article:

" if you listen tape, you will hear better Caller as Hospital Operator, if tape come from hospital, Operator must be heard better as Caller."

i listen... and.... the Fire Department Operator, sound to me that is not on the front line.

That means nothing. Who came up with this daft theory? 'lol
the 911 service is a joined service for fire, police, hospital
this call was for hospital help so the attendant was a hospital Operator
it doesnt mean that he works in the hospital he is in the despatch centre from where the ambulances are controlled and sent out

sorry this is not a ususally discussed topic but as it came to light I think it is important to do this "educational" piece - hope it helps with your questions
thank you vargak

i think if i'll record a conversation betwen myself and someone else... and lissen the tape, i'll be heared better than the other someone... and as a volume that someone, can't be heared louder than myself.

I also followed the thread where askink why they didn't mention his name.

Anyway, i just wanted to know if some one knows for sure where that tape came from?
Thank you again.

May you rest in peace KING Michael. You bring hard times for us. You willl always live in our souls. God bless you, your family... and everyone who's criyng this terrible loss.
welcome, I vouch for the authenticity of the tape, even thought I dont work the LA Fire deparment or 911 but that is real

obviously the 911 attendant voice is going to be clearer as it was recorded on their devices, the caller must have been using a mobile hence the difference in quality of sound

the recording was alterted in one part though, where the attendant asks for the caller's number (standard procedure so that you can get back to the caller at a later stage) the section where the caller is giving the number (it is your legal duty to give the number) is cut out - they are protecting the family's privacy here but not releasing the number of the caller

everything else is uncut
No, this poster is saying that the caller's voice is clearer and louder than the 911 operator's voice. The other way round.

it doesn't make any difference though. the tape is real. God knows why anyone would want to question it.
Thank you again

It's hard for me to believe what is happening, this traggedy.... i think in my mind i'm searching for some evedence that isn't true what's happening.... in reality, i probably chasing horses.

I am not having so much trust in media... i'm used with their manipulation and what they did to people of US on 9/11.

God help us in this hard times.
I think that site ( http://mipedia.com/fake-tape-michael-jackson-911-call/ )have right.
All trusted news sites say "The LA Fire Department released tape" and they lie, becouse if you record a call your voice have a better quality, in this situation, Hospital Operator must be hear better as caller, and tape prove somethingelse... So news sites lie when say tape was released from LA Fire Depatment...
:smilerolleyes: Yeh yeh. They lied did they? Why on earth would they do that? It's official, its the tape released from the LA Fire department. So can we give it a rest now yeh?
Maybe it is the real conversation, but if say was released by fire department and sound prove Caller was guy who register tape and released, it is a lie.