Where should I get my MJ tattoo-wrist or ankle?

Where should I get my butterfly with the letters MJ in script?

  • on my ankle?

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • on my wrist?

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hello everyone
after much consideration I have now settled on a MJ tattoo design but can't decide where to put it. Wrist or ankle? I really think small tattoos like I'm going to get look nice on a wrist but then I think is my ankle better for future jobs etc. What do you guys think?
If I was getting a tatoo I would do it on my ankle. It looks better imo.

btw. can you tell what will your tatoo look like? :)
Hi angelofinnocence,

It should not matter what others think, what ever make u happy will be will be perfect as this will mean something dear 2 u not on lookers.

I thing i considered was did i want the world to see it everywhere i went or did i want it personal and keep it close to my heart.

Kind Regards,

hi, i understand what you mean about placemant of your tattoo,it is a very personal thing, for me i want mine on show, i love them and love how people either stop me to look or pretend they are not there (those pple make me laff)
here they are
BTW...ROMEN, yours is simply amazing.



hi, i understand what you mean about placemant of your tattoo,it is a very personal thing, for me i want mine on show, i love them and love how people either stop me to look or pretend they are not there (those pple make me laff)
here they are
BTW...ROMEN, yours is simply amazing.




Is that your silhouette and MJ's silhouette in the butterfly tattoo?...
I have mine on my ankle/foot because I have to be able to cover it up for work etc but I want to get one on my wrist too haha.

You should do whatever feels right for you :) I like having it on my foot as I think it's a different place to have a tattoo. Here's a photoooo! This was taken straight after it was done so it's all red and stuff, it looks better now. lol.

Hello everyone
after much consideration I have now settled on a MJ tattoo design but can't decide where to put it. Wrist or ankle? I really think small tattoos like I'm going to get look nice on a wrist but then I think is my ankle better for future jobs etc. What do you guys think?

what does it look like? i got mine on my ankle and it didn't hurt as bad as i thought it did lol.

Let us see what your tattoo looks like and maybe you can make it into a band.
I voted wrist, because I think small subtle wrist tattoos are lovely, but yes an ankle tattoo would be best if you are worried about job interviews, etc.

What's your design look like?

PS, Romen - your tattoo is beautiful! So detailed!
Thanks :) you should see it now though, it is fully coloured in and touched up with a tad more detail, once tattooist sends me his recent pic of it i will post it.

Kind Regards,


please do post, its amazing... i have seen a few portrait ones that to be honest are not very good, i love mine obviously and yours is awesome.
I say wrist! That's where I want mine when I get it...I want a lyric around my wrist. That way I can always see it and be reminded of his message and his love often.
Hmm... that's a tough one. I think in either spot it will look lovely. But also take into consideration when going on job interviews etc. To be safe you may just want to get it on your ankle, that way it's hidden while you're at work. :)
I voted wrist, because I think it's very nice with a small tattoo at the inner side on your wrist..but now I dont know how yours are, how big etc..and what it is. Thinking about future jobs and stuff, I wouldnt have a big tattoo there.
But if you choose wrist, I think I would take it on the left side, cause thats closer to the heart...hehe..and I like the idea of it being on the wrist, cause then you can look at it more often, see it all the time, and it just feels "closer to you" I would think. Now, I dont have any tattoos..but I think i would choose the wrist. :)
That was nice! Very sweet..I would have wanted to do the same, a lyric... but what are you choosing?? That is hard..I would not know..too many beautiful ones!!
Ohh there are SO many great lyrics and just plain quotes from Michael...I haven't chosen yet. So far "make that change" is on the top of my list...but since Michael didn't actually write Man in the Mirror I'm not sure I want that. :p I won't be getting another tattoo for awhile though so I got time to think about it.
Ohh there are SO many great lyrics and just plain quotes from Michael...I haven't chosen yet. So far "make that change" is on the top of my list...but since Michael didn't actually write Man in the Mirror I'm not sure I want that. :p I won't be getting another tattoo for awhile though so I got time to think about it.

I know, he didn't write that one..but he did choose to sing it though. But it's a hard one, I would have needed a year to find out I guess. It's too hard..too many! You can take a beautiful and a very emotional one, or a more "tougher" one or..etc..etc.. Omer (Bhatti) has one of MJ's quotes on his homepage(cause he has closed it) "Prejudice is ignorance"..I like that one..more people in the world should take a look into that..Omer has an MJ tattoo himself..."Loyalty" on his arm.

I think I would take an emotional sentence..that touched my heart..about love, the world, make it a better place etc.. that I felt was veryy him and in honor of his memory. Or something from one of my fav songs...i'll be there, heal the world, you are not alone.. I think I would take something that made me feel that Michael was with me all the time..."you are not alone"..i wouldnt choose that one exactly..but you know what i mean maybe? :)
^ wow i'm rambling...see I would REALLY have a hard time deciding. Too many..I could go on and on in that post, lol, just had to stop:p
I think I would take an emotional sentence..that touched my heart..about love, the world, make it a better place etc.. that I felt was veryy him and in honor of his memory

I agree. Something very meaningful that is really him. :heart:

I'm thinking of getting another tattoo too (not sure where??) but these are some of the quotes I like by Michael:

(Obviously this is waay too big so I've just bolded the parts I think I'd like)

"--the rhythm of each dawn and each sunset is part of you, the falling rain touches your soul, and you see yourself in the clouds that are playing tag with the sun. To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. To feel each one, softly and attentively, brings out its music..."

"prejudice is ignorance"

"There is a deep truth in innocence"

"without a guilt, without regret
I am here to forget
Tainted memories of imagined sin...."

"Heal the world."

I love his poetry/prose in Dancing The Dream and there are so many beautiful lines from there so that's something else you can look at for ideas :)
I've always wanted one on top of my foot but I'm still trying to decide on a design. I agree with the posters that have said you should take into consideration future employment and imo think alot about what you truly want done. Will it be something you will still love 20 years from now? I say that because you will spend hundreds of dollars trying to have something removed in comparison to a much smaller amount having the tattoo put on. Trust me, I know.
Wrist is always a lovely place to have a small tatoo!
And if a future bosses dont like mj, you should turn down the job! He he
thanks guys. decided on a small one on my right wrist. booked in for next sat!
i have a larger one (on my back) that says :Always in my heart.
With his signature beneath it...

This quote is the last thing he sais in 'Will you be there' and its also featured in 'You are not alone' (but he didnt write that one).
Ankle would be better as its easier to cover up. Tattoos on the wrist are cool but could hinder you in job opportunities as they are hard to cover up.
true...thats why i had mine done on my back.
Easy to cover when needed (i also have two on my upperarms).