Where do I leave flowers in London?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm so sorry to bother you all with this, but I've only left my house briefly to go to work today since I finally made it home Friday morning and I can't seem to find an answer for this anywhere.

I would like to leave some flowers for Michael somewhere in London on Monday. Where are people leaving flowers? The American embassy?

Thank you. I really appreciate your help.

A friend of mine said this: Now Michael is finally where he belongs, with the other gods.
i think some were leaving them at the lyric theater were killer thriller is happening
Thank you. I think we should all leave flowers there for him.
Yeah I might make my way down there though just getting up and getting dressed now seems like an impossible task... heartbreaking.
I'm going to London on Wed for a meeting in the mronign. Will there be any fans outside the O2 or anywhere? Let me know cause I would like to stop by.
I have booked by travelling months ago, so I will go to London from The Netherlands and I will go to the O2 Arena the day I should go to the concert. I will leave flowers overthere.