Where did Invincible album go to?

You mean here or outside?

I think we hear about it here, since everybody's crazy about songs like Speechless, Break of dawn, Heaven can wait and so on...

Outside, well, the album got no publicity so nobody knows about it, and that's sad!
You mean here or outside?

I think we hear about it here, since everybody's crazy about songs like Speechless, Break of dawn, Heaven can wait and so on...

Outside, well, the album got no publicity so nobody knows about it, and that's sad!

Thats what i mean some people dont know about MJ invincible album..

I cant even find it at stores..its rare to find it
The critics didn't like it, the record company didn't promote it, MJ didn't wanna do videos for it.. so it's kinda one of those lost gems that only MJ fans know about and appreciate. Plus it was like right after 9/11.... so that kinda played a part as well I think.
This album had no promotion when it first came out and that continues now even though I can't really understand why...it's a great album!

Even now most people buy thriller, bad or dangerous because these albums are well-known..I wonder why they don't want to hear something different from Michael...
9/11 had nothing to do with it.
Stores don't stock this album because people didn't buy it. People didn't buy it because the reviews were often not very good, because people on the street said it wasn't very good (coz of bad reviews) and because there were no killer singles released - Sony put a stop to that!

Bad word of mouth and lack of good music released to counter the bad PR is how this album died. IF Sony had released a better follow up single to YRMW (WHAT WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY CHOSE CRY?!) and not killed 'Butterflies' which was proving very popular on urban radio, then Vince would have proven more successful than it was. Also, it has some good songs but there was A LOT of filler too.
If you think about it though, Bad and Thriller were the names of two of Michael's most popular songs, perhaps that helped to get people to buy the album, there were already songs that they knew on it? Invincible the song isn't really that well known..
9/11 had nothing to do with it.
Stores don't stock this album because people didn't buy it. People didn't buy it because the reviews were often not very good, because people on the street said it wasn't very good (coz of bad reviews) and because there were no killer singles released - Sony put a stop to that!

Bad word of mouth and lack of good music released to counter the bad PR is how this album died. IF Sony had released a better follow up single to YRMW (WHAT WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY CHOSE CRY?!) and not killed 'Butterflies' which was proving very popular on urban radio, then Vince would have proven more successful than it was. Also, it has some good songs but there was A LOT of filler too.

CAN it make a comeback if they do new promo today?
9/11 had nothing to do with it.
Stores don't stock this album because people didn't buy it. People didn't buy it because the reviews were often not very good, because people on the street said it wasn't very good (coz of bad reviews) and because there were no killer singles released - Sony put a stop to that!

Bad word of mouth and lack of good music released to counter the bad PR is how this album died. IF Sony had released a better follow up single to YRMW (WHAT WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY CHOSE CRY?!) and not killed 'Butterflies' which was proving very popular on urban radio, then Vince would have proven more successful than it was. Also, it has some good songs but there was A LOT of filler too.

I agree with your post, definitely but I would say 9/11 had NOTHING to do with it.. but I don't know where you live but here that was all anyone was talking about around that time...
9/11 played a big part. no1 was seliing records during then. not mariah,michael nor janet. i dont even think whitney sold well. every1 was focused on 9/11 not what hit album was out. and vice was released a month and 19days after. that album is awesome and has great songs and the ballads just give me chills. But for an album with NO promo it still sold pretty well
Pfft, I'm asking the same thing... it went lost in my house and I'm still lookin 4 it, dammit, lol.
Invincible was actually number one in the US, UK and most of europe. It was also his fasted selling album in about five european countries. All that with out any promotion. When Michael's 30 anniversary (solo) msg concert was shown on tv in 2001 sony even refused to advertise the album during the break.
It has sold 10 million albums to date.
u kow what happened with vince compaired to the other albums. i dont know why this poster has a history or writing threads like this. they got banned from loads of boards for spamming
Invincible is in the charts right now and is selling quite well so I wouldn't say its not known although I do think its not Michael's most popular album. The reason why Invincible didn't do as well as his previous albums was a mixture of reasons it was partly due to mixed reviews some of them being negative, the music itself (there are indications that Michael wasn't entirely happy with it because the original tracklisting was vastly different to the final one, Sony had told him to go back into the studio to record more songs) and in addition to that Sony not promoting the album properly and not allowing more singles and videos to be released from it. You Rock My World was doing very well in the US and charted at No.10 based on airplay alone but Sony refused to release it officially as a single. Butterflies was another song that was getting a lot of airplay and was very popular charting at No.14 based purely on airplay but Sony refused it to be released as a single or have a video made for it. Had the album gotten the full singles release and short films etc that his previous albums had done then there's no doubt it would have sold more. In all honesty despite critical reaction and Sony's lack of support of the project, selling 10 million copies of an album is nothing to be frowned on and is actually pretty successful.
Where is it ont eh comprehensive album chart ? anyone know? id lke to see both history and invincible on teh charts. i have a feeling tehy will finally release history as a single disk