Where can I find the 1974 Performance by Young Janet + Bro please?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember vaguely there was a performance they did together (one of Janet's first) and she was wearing a pink boa i tihnk and pink dress only 8 years old? Anyone know where i can find it on youtube please?


UPDATE: According to this picture its from 1974 in Vegas show with brother Randy, anyone know if I can find a video of their performance please?
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Re: Where can I find the Performance of Young Mike with Young Janet please?

no? anyone know?
Re: Where can I find the Performance of Young Mike with Young Janet please?

bump bump
Re: Where can I find the Performance of Young Mike with Young Janet please?

Mayby this

Re: Where can I find the Performance of Young Mike with Young Janet please?

Check out all the Jackson Variety Shows from 1976-77. They're pure gold.
Re: Where can I find the Performance of Young Mike with Young Janet please?

Thank you guys its all wonderful.
I found a pic which is really ringing bells in my head! anyone know where I can watch this performance please?