Where are your children?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Are your children safe, do you know where they are?.
Have they gone to the park, have they gone far?.

Becareful, or they might get picked up and driven away
in a strangers car.

Are your children playing innocently with dolls, cars and skipping ropes, or are they
even playing with knives?. As parents, we need to be responsible for these young
innocent lives.

The innocence of a child can be quickly stripped away, by influences
of alcohol, TV, sex and drugs.

We must always know where our children are and show them
unconditional love, so that they know that their parents do still care.

Is it fair to find one day that your child is no longer there?. For children grow
up too fast, will their childhood innocence last?.

Where are your children i ask you here today?. Think of Michael's message of love for
children, for he cared for them so much and always will. We must continue to love our
children and always know that they are safe, safe at play in a happy, loving environment
and away from all harm.
Great thread andrea72,
I don't have children yet, but when I've them. I'll make sure that I know where they are & give them all the love they need.
Your post reminded my directly to MJ's beautiful song.

MJTKOP-NYTRAM: Thanks for your comment and am glad you liked what i had

Many thanks, xxx.
This is a wonderful post andrea72.

I don't have kids yet but when I do, then I will make sure that I love them and always be by their side.
Parents do not come with certificates on how to bring up our children.
We are not told that this is how we should bring them up. But it all
comes down to common sense.

I do not like what i see with some parents, they think its ok to let their
children roam free willy-nilly but it is not ok. I have seen parents let their
very young children go to parks on their own and run around barefoot.
This is very sad indeed and it is not good parenting. I try and not to be
too judgemental, but i do not like the way that some children are being
raised. Some parents swear at their children too, which is not a nice thing
to have to hear and it is a very low negative vibration. Some parents
do not even love their children as much either, maybe they do not know
how to love or they are scared to love.
Great thread. I have no children right now, but in the future when I do, I will do the best I can to keep them safe and give them the best life possible. Of course, with as much love as I can give to them. Some parents are so neglectful or selfish these days and it is sad to see what happens to their children as a result of this. When I hear a sad story about a child getting hurt, killed, etc. such as the ones posted on this forum, Michael always comes to mind, knowing it would hurt him greatly to hear these kind of things. Keep your children safe and love them more than anything you've ever known.

Pray to the angels for the children now and the children to come in the future. :angel:
Thank you for this both sensitive and sensible thread...

I don't have children for now either... But kids are such massive and principal targets for much of today's bull we're all being bombarded with... You can't even let your child watch cartoons in peace anymore, in the comfort of their home... You open your TV to see what Cartoon Network are showing these days, and it's mostly hideous aliens and monsters killing each other and talking trash. Just a whole bunch of violent, non-educational crap, and it just feels so hard raising a child in more than aggresive, unfavorable times like these... What happens when you let them go outside and play with other kids and.. just..It's hard.. the only safety bond that must be created must be based on a somehow mutual respect and trust between the parent and the child, but raising them with (loving) discipline and with an outlined knowledge of moral values.. and the child must be taught to be strong and avoid damning temptations, while all the same be a loving, forgiving soul. ..This world is getting to be such an ugly place and I feel so sorry for the kids born in dysfunctional families or surroundings.. what chances to develop normally do they really have?.. Let's pray for their strength and innocence, y'know?..
Thankyou to you all for you comments, very much appreciated.xxx
I dunno. That's why I'm never having children. In order to properly raise children, you have to give them time, love, attention, and all sorts of other unpleasant things I have no interest in. At least I'm mature enough to realize my limitations, however, unlike people who have children first, only to later realize they should have never had them.

@Alma, I would think Cartoon Network would be the lesser of the evils in the child television networks. Programs from the Disney Channel [especially] and Nickelodeon are presenting children with situations which are far from their scope of understanding [usually romantic/sexual situations involving teenagers] and which are neither educational nor imaginative [at least the trash-talking aliens are creative!] I honestly think that Disney overall should be boycotted, the way it is presently going, especially in its television programming which is nothing but rude humour, teenage sexual situations, and filth. Parents would have to be out of their bloody minds to let their children be exposed to something like that! Later on, they get surprised when their now teenage son/daughter is rude to them, has no creative vision whatsoever, and ends up in a series of abusive/risky relationships with a myriad of other equally idiotic teens. Well, dears, where in gods' Earth did you think they picked such things up from?! LOL! With television acting as the kids' babysitter, what else did you expect them to learn?

Children copy far many more things from television and other media sources than they do from people in their immediate periphery, as they are far more exposed to the television/music/films than they are to any other stimulus [with the exception of public schooling, which in my honest opinion is almost as bad, with its nationalist pseudo-history and whitewashing/indoctrination]. The average 8-18 year old child spends about 4 hours in front of a television set per day, plus 2 additional hours in front of a computer or video game screen, adding up to a total media exposure of about 6-7 hours per DAY. This means that the people who make these shows/games/songs/etc. are in control of what the average child is exposed to for 7 hours of his day, something which is, to say the least, worthy of concern. Most of the time, parents don't even care to watch the programs their children are so fascinated by, especially if they have "trusted" seals of approval such as "Disney" or "Cartoon Network." Admittedly, Cartoon Network is far less guilty of this deviance than is the Disney Channel, with Nickelodeon standing in the middle, offering not-so-bad programs such as SpongeBob SquarePants, but also offering horrendous Disney-esque porgrams [no doubt, to compete] like iCarly and the previously run Zoey 101 [with Britney Spears' untalented trainwreck of a sister]. Disney Channel, though, is the worst of the worst. Pretty much as soon as the pre-K programming ends, the atrocities begin--with such programming, they should at least call it Disney Teen Channel, since those are the situations and protagonists their programs present.

I don't know about you, but I find it incredibly creepy that an eight/nine year old girl [or worse, a six year old] is interested in what goes on in the lives of 15+ year olds. It's too soon for these kids to know about the idiocies of the pre-adult world, and Disney is doing them a disservice by presenting these dangerous things in a romantic/safe sense to a highly impressionable audience. I find it even creepier that a whole bunch of executives at a supposedly kid-oriented network would think presenting such situations to a small child is not only appropriate, but desirable. It's right up there with the child beauty pageants in creep factor, and no doubt, it attracts just as many creeps.

Perhaps what I despise most of all is that these shows reinforce gender/racial stereotypes to such a disgusting degree [no surprise there from sexist/racist Disney, far less so in Cartoon Network, and present to a smaller degree than Disney in Nickelodeon]. They're countering what good people died to pave a path for, and people are too stupid to realize what is going on with their kids, or else they think Disney telling their little girls to aspire to be some materialistic pop star/actress/other stereotypically feminine profession is "cute." I honestly wish I could legally slap such parents in the face and make them see what this TV is doing to their children's minds!

Anyway, enough. I just wanted to add my two cents into the whole children's television thing, because I've personally seen the deterioration happen right before my eyes. Perhaps that's why I always loathed girls' television programmes as a child.

I leave you with these two amusing videos illustrating my point:

(you might need to turn up the volume for the last one).
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