Where Are People Getting All Of These MJ Dolls From?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Birmingham: United Kingdom
I've been surfing the net and decided to up my MJ Collection. I went on Ebay - to find loads of these 'MJ dolls' have now surfaced.
Can someone please tell me, when and where were these MJ dolls sold? are they still selling them now?

I also ask because i'm thinking of getting one, but the prices on Ebay are still abit steep.
I have a Black Or White Michael Jackson doll as well as the Beat It outfit for it. They are both in mint condition. And the boxes that they came in are in almost mint condition. There is some slight wear on the boxes. But I had gotten them in an antique store a good several years ago. It cost my mother 75 dollars for them. This is exactly what I have:


But I got my cheap compare to what that person is selling theirs for. I still will like to get a couple of more Michael Jackson dolls. As well as other MJ items. I have a huge MJ collection as it is but it is still not enough to me. At one time I thought it was but not anymore.
yeah, they are from the 80's. Check novelty shops, ebay, and maybe amazon
Yeah they are from the 80s. I got my doll back in 2003.
Its the thriller one in mint condition in the box.
I only paid $30 for it then.. now its selling for $500-1,000 crazy!
I really love the black or white doll, that one I think resembles Michael the most.
My aunt has the black and white doll, still in the box, I used to press it all the time when I was little :(
An MJ doll was gonna be the next thing to go in my collection last month... now the prices are so high I'll probably never get one lol. :(
My sister had the Thriller outfit set but we only have the pants now. =[

I looooovvvve my Barbies and I still can't bare to keep them in their boxes, it's always more fun to open them and play with them! I don't think I'll ever grow out of that habit of ripping open the box right away. =P I really want one...hopefully a used one won't be as much money?
i have the thriller and the beat it...version....along with the stand and the microphone...now the box it came in is another story....it is now falling apart :(
got it for christmas in the late 80's....mom only paid 20-30 dollars for them apiece.
do they only sell it online?can i found it in shops?
coz buy it online will cost me more
maybe they will sell it again after this...maybe china will make copies....i would love to see that happening since i'm in china. and it would be very cheap so i can buy a lot
I bought mine several years ago on ebay.. not for anything like they are going these days though. I dont think they are still making those ones but there are a new type coming out by Cosbaby.
I've had mine for quite a few years now, I paid about £10 - £15 now, but because people who originally had them know how to cash in and charge extortionate amounts of money as has already been stated.
I need to find that new one of Billie Jean from company Hot Toys...but the price went from 200 to 800 dollars after his death..screw that.
I'm hoping that the prices will drop again slowly over the next few months :( For the past 7 seven or so years I've been collecting memoribilia religiously and now it's heartbreaking to see it all so expensive!!!
Does anyone know if any other online stores that sell them as i cant buy from ebay.
I missed out on another auction for a b+w doll....gotta keep trying lol!

I did win a Beat It outfit for an mj doll in its box ( has a cassette inside or something??) So very pleased with that.
I have 2 identical Black or white dolls (the one Blanket was holding).
One I bought at a MJ fanevent for 18 euro. I know you wont believe me but I bought the other one for 1,50 at a market where people are selling their stuff on the streets (It's called 'koniningendag' in The Netherlands).

I can't believe people are selling them for so much money, omg:mello:
I would NEVER sell anything of my MJ collection. I have a lot of things twice, but I have lots of memories from it.
I have 2 identical Black or white dolls (the one Blanket was holding).
One I bought at a MJ fanevent for 18 euro. I know you wont believe me but I bought the other one for 1,50 at a market where people are selling their stuff on the streets (It's called 'koniningendag' in The Netherlands).

I can't believe people are selling them for so much money, omg:mello:
I would NEVER sell anything of my MJ collection. I have a lot of things twice, but I have lots of memories from it.

I bought the black or white (non musical) at a collectors show for £1. I can't believe how much they are going for either.
My 'black or white' doll I just got out from back of my pillow, its been among all my little cuddly toys for years. remember buying it years ago when they first came out, at a toy shop they sold loads, I just wanted to buy the whole lot, I just got 2. One still in the box and 1 always by me. I also got the 80's doll I got years ago.