Where are all the haters since the comeback ??


Proud Member
Apr 16, 2009
Blackburn, England
Resently to me I havent seen all the haters since Michael announced the this is it shows isn't it great I just love everyone loving Michael, what do you think ??

And What do you think about the MRSA illness thing ?? personally i think it was part of MJ's comeback plan What do you think Im sure I heard that MJ did that before, just before he announced the BAD tour
They are all still there, but we don't take notice or pay attention to them, not that I did earlier but there are good times coming and a hater is the last thing we can worry about now.

As for the MRSA crap, no I don't think it did come from michael's camp. That piece of shit Ian halpern or whatever his name is spread that crap. He is trying to make money out of michael by promoting his shitty biography about MJ wich is released at the same time or around the o2 shows this summer.
^Yeah, it's just like when that Bob Jones dork wanted to release "The Man Behind The Mask" around the time of the verdict. Just wanna make a quick buck off whatever's going on at the moment. However, that moron's book hardly sold :toofunny:
A lot of them are standing in line at the courthouse trying to file a lawsuit!
it has always been very easy to become a hater in here. you just have to say one negativ or come with some critic of anything that mj dose, then they call you a hater.
so, maybe the critic and the questions are one other boards where ou can say what you mean and not get attackt
Most of them are on youtube...watching MJ videos and making stupid comments :lol:
All true lol
I couldn't care less about what those stupid haters think and I think that stineLOVESmichael touces on a good subject you get all theese people who say they hate Michael soooooooo much, yet they take the time to watch 1 of his videos, leave a stupid comment and then having all the fans to answer to, its like someone who doesnt like chineese food for example, but still going to a chineese restaurant just to complain its just pathetic !! not to mention stupid !!
It is pathetic when people just comment like that, they're obviously bored...or just plain stoopid lol!

I checked out some of the haters youtube profiles some time ago and I think most of them have some serious issues. There was one user that liked guns and killing too much and on his profile he was writing that he will kill everyone...some other guy was calling MJ gay so I checked his profile and guess what kind of vids he had under favorites? Some gay bodybuilders (how ironic) and masohistic videos. And so on...I rather not comment on any hater's comments since then.
The worst part are those buttholes who makes fun of MJ on a daily basis ans believes the shitt what the craploids prints. However... as soon as the tour was announced, they wanted tickets aswell. I asked some of them "Why did YOU want tickets? I thought you didn't care for him?".. Whereas they answered "Well, he is the greatest entertainer of all time, and you don't want to miss out his concerts".

This pretty much sums it all.
maybe he did spread that rumor, but what about the pics of MJ in a wheelchair and with the blue mask and what looks like very sore iching hands, where they real or fake ??

please shate your thoughts on this subject........
to the sweet land of Hell!

all of what you've been saying is true, but unfortunetly they are still out there, but in hiding!! hahaha! and they can stay there for all i care!
they are doing a secret moonwalk at home watching MJ on youtube! .. then they deny it!
The haters will spend more on their tickets to London O2 than most fans. They wouldn't miss it for the world.
it is funny though, its seems like when michael announced the o2 dates everyone started loving him again lol I just hope that these haters didnt get concert tickets because they dont deserve them, it would be better if all tickets went to people who have always supported michael and loved him. It would really make me annoyed if haters got tickets, and some fans missed out because of that
^^ very very true, only the fans should have been able to buy tickets, I don't know how they would have done that tho, I am one of the luckey ones wo got tickets but a few of my friends were too slow and they can't pay the ridiculus prices on Ebay.