Where are all the fans ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A, A
Ok i need to get this off my chest.

Our idol passed away, and we mourned.... but then
we complained.

we complained and criticised plans over his funeral and memorial. we then complained about tickets & ticket refunds, we then complained that the memorial was in the us. we then complained when rehearsal footage was released and he appeared to lip sync.

we then became excited when we found out that footage was being released, we then complained that we had to wait for it. we then rejoiced when we heard it was going to be a movie about his final months. And then we complained that it was only out for 2 weeks and even complained more when we had the chance to prebook !

we criticise and tarnish almost every celebrity that speaks of Michael from Oprah, Madonna even to President Obama and Jesse Jackson. They want to show their respect and we should respect them for it. we should feel so proud to have people speaking about him and remembering for who he is and will always be...a hero.

And then..... a new album of hits from the This Is It movie and we complain again !. a soundtrack to accompany the movie ,which although is for the fans, is mainstream aswell targeting all market including a new track ' This Is It'.

And yet we are still not satisfied ? already there are almost 30 posts on here deconstructing, arguing, criticising and moaning about a 43 second clip !

Michael is not here, but for me personally if he was ( and i want to re-establish i am not attacking anyone on here ). I think he would feel abandoned by the people he loved. We should feel so honoured that He is still here, that he is being forever mortalised not just through media, but in everyones hearts. That through his death he has reached out once again, risen as a phoenix to take his crown.

For me, all ive felt in the last months is pride. I am a proud Michael Jackson fan and i am so happy to see the love everywhere for him. I am the one that can say, i was there from the beginning and i had him. Film, CD and a new song, a song which to me is a perfect and fitting end to such a sad year, a beautiful track with touching lyrics that i can see Michael looking down and smiling towards.

And we know in the future, there is still much more to come from him.

I know there are millions of fans out there who feel as passionate about me. Any MJ media is great ..... but its really starting to put me down now about all the negativity, hate and criticism on the boards.... im not used to seeing this from 'fans'.

In fact, i probably will recieve a negative response about what ive said instead of an adult constructive one, which pretty much also establishes what im trying to say.

If there is ever a time when we have to be together, stand united for Michael, his family and his children, then it is now and i for one will ensure that i do that.

But for some of you out there, you really need to step back and remember.
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I didn't read your whole post.. but I had the same feeling one day I was on here and somebody had made a thread about lip synching.. it's like.. give us all a break..
Michael is such a fantastic person, and I love him too much to ever critisize him..
I thought much of the criticism was in Michaels best interests? I dont know i havent been on here much in the past couple of days so maybe i am wrong. I certainly havent abandoned him, like you said, I am extremely proud to be a fan.
I thought much of the criticism was in Michaels best interests? I dont know i havent been on here much in the past couple of days so maybe i am wrong. I certainly havent abandoned him, like you said, I am extremely proud to be a fan.

i am not here to have a go at anyone, i just wanted to express how i am feeling just now. i understand that some of it is in michaels best interest but when it comes to music etc i feel its irrelevant.

i have no doubt you are a proud fan :)
Ok i need to get this off my chest.

Our idol passed away, and we mourned.... but then
we complained.

we complained and criticised plans over his funeral and memorial. we then complained about tickets & ticket refunds, we then complained that the memorial was in the us. we then complained when rehearsal footage was released and he appeared to lip sync.

we then became excited when we found out that footage was being released, we then complained that we had to wait for it. we then rejoiced when we heard it was going to be a movie about his final months. And then we complained that it was only out for 2 weeks and even complained more when we had the chance to prebook !

we criticise and tarnish almost every celebrity that speaks of Michael from Oprah, Madonna even to President Obama and Jesse Jackson. They want to show their respect and we should respect them for it. we should feel so proud to have people speaking about him and remembering for who he is and will always be...a hero.

And then..... a new album of hits from the This Is It movie and we complain again !. a soundtrack to accompany the movie ,which although is for the fans, is mainstream aswell targeting all market including a new track ' This Is It'.

And yet we are still not satisfied ? already there are almost 30 posts on here deconstructing, arguing, criticising and moaning about a 43 second clip !

Michael is not here, but for me personally if he was ( and i want to re-establish i am not attacking anyone on here ). I think he would feel abandoned by the people he loved. We should feel so honoured that He is still here, that he is being forever mortalised not just through media, but in everyones hearts. That through his death he has reached out once again, risen as a phoenix to take his crown.

For me, all ive felt in the last months is pride. I am a proud Michael Jackson fan and i am so happy to see the love everywhere for him. I am the one that can say, i was there from the beginning and i had him. Film, CD and a new song, a song which to me is a perfect and fitting end to such a sad year, a beautiful track with touching lyrics that i can see Michael looking down and smiling towards.

And we know in the future, there is still much more to come from him.

I know there are millions of fans out there who feel as passionate about me. Any MJ media is great ..... but its really starting to put me down now about all the negativity, hate and criticism on the boards.... im not used to seeing this from 'fans'.

If there is ever a time when we have to be together, stand united for Michael, his family and his children, then it is now and i for one will ensure that i do that.

But for some of you out there, you really need to step back and remember.

You know, just throwing something out there.....but I think a lot of fans are just genuinely angry.

Angry at the fact that Michael passed away, angry at the situation, angry at the fact their dreams are not going to come true, angry that they don't get to see Michael present everything he created for us, angry at the fact that things didn't have to be this way.
i get that dutchie i really do, im angry at some of it aswell, please dont think im walking around smiling abt this. i know its a difficult time for all of us, but some people ( minority ) could channel it better. we are all feelin pretty low at the moment and coming here perks me up, but now all i see is anger and negavity.... its just sad to see i guess.
i get that dutchie i really do, im angry at some of it aswell, please dont think im walking around smiling abt this. i know its a difficult time for all of us, but some people ( minority ) could channel it better. we are all feelin pretty low at the moment and coming here perks me up, but now all i see is anger and negavity.... its just sad to see i guess.

i understand ur point................but everyone is different.............grieving process is different..........we just need to support each other & remember his gr8 music ,all his good work.
You know, just throwing something out there.....but I think a lot of fans are just genuinely angry.

Angry at the fact that Michael passed away, angry at the situation, angry at the fact their dreams are not going to come true, angry that they don't get to see Michael present everything he created for us, angry at the fact that things didn't have to be this way.


Angry that he'll never see his childern grow-up, angry that the truth about the two allegations and Mike's side of the story may never be told, angry that some 'money-hungry bastard', took Mike's life in exchange for a dollar. F*cking right I'm angry, yeah, and if it makes me selfish to say that I won't be able to meet him now, so be it, but I'm agry about that too! Angry at Mike?....why would I be angry at a person who felt that their whole life they had to please others just to get love, that he had to live up to others expectations, and that he was suffering from illnesses that he couldn't control. Yeah, he was an adult and no he wasn't perfect, but I just wish that someone would have done more. *sigh*

But thank you for asking this question. It helps us all to heal a bit more.
I love MJ. Have loved for 15 years. And I'm proud to say that. But that doesn't mean that I have to be happy about everything that's happening. Things have been organised very poorly after MJ's death, I don't think anyone can deny that (the souvenir tickets, confusion about new album/single, tribute concert...).
I agree with all of you i really do. This is last thing i wanted to make people upset so im sorry. as i said i was just airing how i was feeling. I know that there has been a lot of dissapointments and confusion , and that is understandable. im not going to say anything else because i dont think my point is being understood. so im sorry if i offended anyone.
I understand what u mean, reading here isn't always that fun and unfortunately I do understand the angryness that's on the board now. It's just that things have been organized very poorly, and it's hard to deal with his death stand alone. When you're grieving, it's difficult to see a positive thing in everything...I often see myself being angry or dissapointed, and after 5 minutes I'm thinking 'but wait...why should I look at it that way?'. :mello:

It's all part of the mourning process....but I just hope people aren't going to judge each other that much, since that's happening often here now...and that the angry feelings have been infecting others.
We should do and say what feels right for yourself. I hope there are coming more positive things in the future and that everything will work out as Mike would've wanted it. I am forever feeling very proud that he's a part of my life.
We're still one big family and we have to be strong for him! :angel:

Love y'all.
I understand what you mean...the negativity here is overwhelming at times lately. But, I think it's totally understandable and to be expected. Everyone has their angry days and we all say things at times we probably don't mean, I know I have in the last 3 and a half months. I think what we need is time, and then the fanbase really will be stronger than ever. I don't think Michael would feel abandoned, I think he'd want to give us all a big hug, but he can't so we need to do that and be there for each other instead.
What really pisses me off is Murray walking free. It shouldn't be so, everything happened so fast, like a bad dream!
I agree with you 100% Sometimes i feel like the family unit the fans have is falling apart. Michael is what brought us together and I just hope he holds us together for all time. Of course we are all here for each other and will always love one another it just sometimes feels like the worst is coming out of us. It is understandable seeing as we just lost one of the most important people in our lives. I just wish some of the bashing on the family and each other would stop. I believe Michael wouldn't want that. I hope everyone stays strong and just continues to love Michael and spread his message.