When will we know what happened our Michael Jackson?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Actually the title says it all... when ? when will "DR" Murray face justice ?
I think its very weird we havent heard anything at all. Its soon six months ago it happened and still nothing. No trial dates , nothing ! :(
has it been that long? i feel like it happened yesterday. the sadness is so fresh. :no:

25th June .. its the 2th of november now when it turns 25th November its six months :(. Missing my insperation in life :(
I just can't understand why we've heard nothing yet. :(
25th June .. its the 2th of november now when it turns 25th November its six months :(. Missing my insperation in life :(

:hug: i know what you mean

it doesn't even feel like 5 months have passed. it literally feels like the nightmare occurred yesterday. still hoping to wake up from this nightmare.


I thought we were suppose to hear something the 2nd week of October.
I am waiting too. It's like it's been forgotten or something. That's not right. Michael did not have to die.
25th June .. its the 2th of november now when it turns 25th November its six months :(. Missing my insperation in life :(

Uhm, you mean 5 months the 25th November?

But I also think it's strange that we haven't heard anything - but I really think (and hope) that the police want to make this right and get anyone involved.
Right now it might be a "he said, she said" situation.
Whenever I think about this it just makes me cry all over again. I still want to know when he will be arrested. What I still can't understand is when a common person is murdered. It usually doesn't take the police long to find and arrest that person's killer. But when it is someone as famous as Michael Jackson it is taking forever. I really just don't understand it. Maybe I never will understand it.
Actually 25th of December it will be 6 months kinda sad considering it will be x-mas

yeah that really is sad...it is ripping me up inside thinking Michael will not be here for Christmas...I really have never thought that far ahead in the future..but know that you bring attention to it...it is just crushing...:cry:....I wish they would just say something about the case the silence in deafening.....Christmas without Michael.....uhm.....depressing.
I don't mind how long it takes, if they are doing a thorough invistigation. I think they are going back years with these doctors, the CA governor is trying to stamp out these quacks who act as dealers.

We know what happened in the sence that he died because of propofol, he may not have died if Murrey had reacted properly and faster, and/or had the means to deal with a crisis.

The question is why? I am not going to be convinced he was so incompetent he did not know about the mixture of drugs and the potential hazzard of Propofol.

That leaves, him having no regard for Michael's life or safety, or murder.
Its a very complicated and going to be a long investigation. Its frustrating but I want justice for Michael.. I'd rather it take a bit longer so there is no way that Murray can get out of it.
I know, its ridiuculous we still havnt heard anything. Latoya said we would find out in the next month or two, that was about a month ago! So maybe this month...but who knows anymore, i dont think anyone does tbh. She always said we would be suprised about the outcome & the news. Justice needs to be done, its not right.

Christmas day is not gonna be very nice, cant believe it would be 6 months by then, so so sad :( Imagine his kids on Christmas Day, him not being there, its just awful :'(
Im lighting a candle for Michael on Christmas day, but i just want him back...
It's getting ridiculous. I cannot believe an arrest has not been made.