When was Michael most busiest in his life.....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When was Michael most busiest in his life in terms of work/career....as a kid or as an adult?
I doubt he was very busy the past few years apart from when he began rehearsing for TII, most of the people around him took care of and controlled everything so I doubt he's had much to do apart from spend time with his kids and friends:D.

He was probably most busiest when he became BIG, he's always been huge but I imagine, it was when it all first kicked off and when he first got onto MTV.
I'd say that he was always busy through most of his life. The man is a workaholic
I was going to say Bad era.
He was on tour for a large portion of 1987 and 1988. As well as making Moonwalker. Writing Moonwalk?

Then there were music videos left and right for Bad, The Way You Make Me Feel, Smooth Criminal, Dirty Diana, Liberian Girl and Leave Me Alone. These werent just small quickly throw together music videos either, these were all masterpieces with tons of work and effort gone into them.

I would have to give it to Bad Era.

Not to mention actually writing and producing the songs for Bad. I could be wrong saying this, but he wrote the most songs for Bad than any other album???
See, I would say it was when he was a kid (Jackson 5) because he was always doing TV, a lot more interviews, tours, loads of albums more than adult albums!!!!
Probably the early to mid 80's. He had so much going on. "Thriller" album and video's, Victory Tour, ET Story book,etc. He was working constantly.