When Michael went home (poem)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the year 2009, on the 25th day of June,
Our beloved Michael left this earth so suddenly
and he left much too soon.

Planet Earth was not his real home you see,
For he belonged to God and his angels and not you
nor me.

Soon after he'd returned to his heavenly home,
The world stood still, feeling sad, numb and alone.

The world will never be same again with the
loss of such a great soul. And to this very day,
we ask God why you had to go?.

Planet Earth was just your temporary base,
A school of learning to teach mankind how to love
and not hate.

Michael's message of love continues spreading to this very day
For love lives forever and will never fade away.

The world loves you Michael, Until we meet again.
Thank you for your kind comments and i'm glad you liked my poem :).

Regards, Andrea.