When it comes to making an album who should have the final say


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The artist or The Producer? I really believe that it's the artist who should have the final say because the album is the artists vision. A producer is there to help with the production and give advice for an album but i think that the artists should have the final say about what he/she likes/doesn't like.

Really, neither has the final say. The record company does, unless the act is releasing their albums themselves. The labels often reject music acts turn in, and also sometimes remixes the material without the acts knowledge.
Re: Labels

Really, neither has the final say. The record company does, unless the act is releasing their albums themselves. The labels often reject music acts turn in, and also sometimes remixes the material without the acts knowledge.

Which is why i am thankful for the mushrooming of the independent movement. now..nobody has an excuse for misplacing credit.

anyway, i believe A&R talent is the most elusive talent to have. it's extremely rare..more valuable than even songwriting. nobody in the business likes the person who has that talent...especially if it's the artist. And Michael had that talent. The A&R talent should get the final say. and hopefully, the person who has that talent, is the artist.
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