When is the time for releasing the "This is it rehearsals"??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I really want to see it now , it feels like a little comfort in this sadness. I miss Michael Jackson more everyday :(.

Can u guys post everything AEG Live and Randy Phillips have said regarding this DVD. thank u.
yeah me too.....i think i heard them mention 12 songs being rehearsed, not sure from which video....if someone can post us the links to everything abt the rehearsals being releashed would be great....i hope they work on the dvd as soon as the bury michael.
I'd love it to be soon but I doubt it will be, Depends how far into post production they were at the time of his death, I've edited videos and its taken 2 weeks to edit 40 minutes of footage into a 10 minute film, this is 100 hours of footage into a 2 hour DVD.
Apparently he was working on a classical music album as well so I'm looking forward to that.

At the end of the day it is AEG and his family's choice as to whether or not to release all his hidden and unfinished talent so we must respect that.
I also agree with the above; the timing has to be perfect in order for it to be his "greatest hit ever" (apparently some of the songs could be) and in order to do that, they must go accordingly to plan i.e. not rushed.

Patience is a virtue. x
Apparently he was working on a classical music album as well so I'm looking forward to that.

At the end of the day it is AEG and his family's choice as to whether or not to release all his hidden and unfinished talent so we must respect that.
I also agree with the above; the timing has to be perfect in order for it to be his "greatest hit ever" (apparently some of the songs could be) and in order to do that, they must go accordingly to plan i.e. not rushed.

Patience is a virtue. x

I heard about the classical music album on the radio today! That will be amazing! I am also looking forward to anything they release of his, but I'm going to be patient about it. I definitely don't want anything to be rushed.
You think they will release the whole set-list before any rehersal ??
there were 26 songs rehearsed i know that for a FACT!
They might be doing something special with it, which takes time. But i'm sure they'll wait until all of this is over. This is not the time.
Before ANYTHING can be released MJ's estate has to be sorted out!

AEG will have to arrange a contract and payment royalty rates, rights, and tons of other legal stuff.
Remember its the kids and his mother who now or soon will own all that MJ music, footage and other stuff from his entire solo career! Thats a huge amount of stuff.

Most likely we will see NOTHING until a team of people has been set up to deal with the distribution and copyrights related to all things MJ and his estate. particularly on behalf of his children.
There are millions if not billions to be made from MJ's legacy over the coming decades.

So, as soon as thats all sorted will we see stuff.

Relax, we will see it, but the next few months will be full of legal issues and greedy bastords trying to rip off his estate... ie his children. but when it is all sorted there will be so much stuff on MJ we won't know what to do!
