When I went to college.....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When I went to college I was assured that I had been funded for 1 to 1 care 24 hours plus lots of extra carers at some times due to my needs.:yes:This did not happen and in the end me and my family had a meeting and it was again agreed but did not happen.:doh:In the end they agreed to care in the evenings but then completely took it away in the daytime in education:( I was bullied by a member of staff:agree: It happened several times.:( I was not free to have fun socially as you would expect at college:no: due to severe shortage of staff:( They left me unattended with no food and water for 15 hours:timer::timer::( They had the funding for a communication aid for twelve months and did not manage to purchase this and set it up during my whole time there:doh:, also when I arrived at Star I was in dire need of a decent wheelchaie for lots of reasons including severe painfull areas:( during my time there they said they would do this urgently:yes: but it still has not happened yet:(They left me in the tv room with one other student who was non verbal for 1 hour without responding to me shouting and holering at the top of my voice:no::no:So all in all I realised that I could not survive there :no: however much I persisted, they forced me out as I did not fit into their institution and returned home having nothing to show in progress for over 12 months work.:(:(

so this song says it all

I would file a complaint. Since it's a privately owned (I assume) and not a state-run institution, I don't know how well filing a complaint would go, but I would attempt it anyway. Take it up to the President's attention, and he or she would surely want to do something. They want your money, after all, so it would be in their best interest to ensure you attend their institution if they already ensured your academic merits. Then again, it's surprising how stupidly some people go about treating prospective students.

Thank goodness that the college I presently attend did nothing of the sort. It's a pretty good college, and I can't complain. Everyone should attend a college which caters to its students' needs, whatever those may be, without causing distress to the party involved.

Like I said, go ahead and bring it to the President's attention, or the Dean's. Someone ought to straighten the situation out.
Thank you for your comments and concern. I do in due time intend to take the matter further:yes:
I am sorry that you were treated like that...I agree..take it up with the dean if you can. Hopefully you will be treated better in the future. People don't deserve to be teated poorly...the problem is...places like that get away with it unless complaints are filed. Good luck to you..
I´m sorry for the way you were treated.
"Give yourself a chance, fight the circumstance,rise and do it again"
aww :hug: I'm sorry to hear that Sam, it's unfair, I hope you will get justice in this :better:
Yes, please make some noise about this! Sometimes it just takes some public noise to get those gears moving. And it's not just about you but about everyone who receives such 'treatment' in a facility that should encourage studies.

Please make some noise and you have my compassion for what you go through. Are there any human/civil rights activists around you who are versed in how to apply some public pressure? It might help to change the situation!
That sounds miserable & totally inhumane. Have you looked into other colleges that you could attend?
No but if you know of any would be glad to hear from you:yes:

Hi Sam,

I'm not sure if these folks could be able to help you- but I think it would be worthwhile to write to them or give them a call.
I only saw 'Wales' in your profile- so that's what I was going for.

So here's the 'Wales Coalition for Human Rights'.

If you require any assistance please contact us
0800 2888 329

or text :
07797 805 628

or email:

And here's the major player whose job it would be to at least refer you- and look into your complaint.

The Wales 'Equality And Human Rights Commission'

About us
We have a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect, enforce and promote equality across the seven "protected" grounds - age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.

Contacting the Wales helpline
Our Wales helpline is here to give information and guidance on discrimination and human rights issues. We offer a bilingual service with advisors who are happy to discuss your enquiry in both Welsh and English. Read more detailed information about our helpline service.

Call the helpline

0845 604 8810 - Wales main number
0845 604 8820 - Wales textphone
0845 604 8830 - Wales fax

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pm

Call charges

Calls to 0845 numbers are charged at Local call rate tariff if you are using a BT landline. Call charges from other telephone operators and mobile networks will vary. To find out exactly how much you are paying for 0845 calls you should consult your telephone provider or their latest published tariffs.

Write to the helpline

Equality and Human Rights Commission Helpline Wales
3rd Floor
3 Callaghan Square
CF10 5BT

Please note: The helpline does not accept visitors and only provides a phone and correspondence service. They do not provide face to face advice.

If you trying to unsuccessfully trying to download any publication please contact the helpline who will be happy to assist.

Contact us
There are a number of ways you can contact us in Wales, these are outlined below.

Wales helpline

The Equality and Human Rights Commission operates a helpline service in Wales. Full details on the service can be found on the Wales helpline page.

Main Wales office

3rd floor, 3 Callaghan Square, Cardiff, CF10 5BT
Telephone 02920 447710 (non helpline calls only.)
Textphone 029 20447713
Fax 02920 447712
email: wales@equalityhumanrights.com

Here's what I would do:
Sit and down and make a list. What is it that you want? Personally- what happened to you, what are the steps necessary to help you personally, what can be done to improve conditions for you personally.

Is this a symptom of something larger- are you potentially not the only suffering through these kinds of circumstances when you should actually be studying- not fighting the infrastructure on your campus?
Do you have knowledge of other cases as such?
Is this a general problem?

I would sit down and write an email- very briefly and unemotionally describing what has happened to you and would consequences this had for you academically, personally and what else COULD have happened to you if no one would have come to your aid.

Ask if there are any local chapters in your city/town/region whose goal it is to ensure equality for those with disabilities. (In the US there are entire committees in every community that deals with this- making sure that there are wheel chair accessible ramps at Post Offices or at least one exit that is wheel chair friendly etc- sometimes it takes one complaint to get the ball rolling.)
I am convinced that in the European Union there are equal offices to whose job it is to ensure equality for all it's citizens.

I would write an email (because it's easier to list everything you need to say without forgetting something) and ask them if they could either help you with the right steps, whom to adress- and if they cannot help you- if they would be so kind to refer you to the correct organizations, locally and around Wales/GB.

I'll think if I have other ideas, but I think you need to start somewhere- even if it just means finding the right phone number and organization to help you.

What happened to you is not okay and no student should have to endure such circumstances in the pursuit of an academic education.

Please contact both organizations for help, Sam!
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thank you for the information that you have given me, i will look into this :yes:
Hi Sam,

That's inconceivable that this happend to you and I am sorry that you have had to get through it.:(:bugeyed
This is unfair and inhuman. This shouldn't happened to you. To learn and that is taken care of you is a human right. Please fight for your right.
In my university where I finished my degree there were always students with a carer all the day at the campus and it wasn't a problem.
I'll hope you find justice. God bless you.:better:
How is everything Sam? did you Manage to go further and claim your rights, or was it to hard and you had to give up?

God Bless you
We are going to take it further but i dont know how long it will take:no: but the only good thing i got from college is a cummication box so that i can socialise more:yes:
^^^ college isn't always what is looks to be, but I am glad you've chosen to fight (if not for you, it will help someone else!). what is a communication box? a box that words your writing or something to make the gurlz come closer (to "socialize") hehe - (sorry I couldn't help it) no seriously, what does it do?
its a little computer and i type in what i want to say and it says it for me :yes: