When he wrote a song...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
...did only just beatbox the music into a tape recorder or did he play any instruments also when composing a song?
he did boths, ussually he would use a piano for a melody but for the sounds he kinda made them with his own voice and recorded them, he had many ways of writing and composing, i mean he had many creative ideas, there are lots of recorded stuff that we havent heard yet, they may be a key to tell at least a little how he composed a song, i hope latoya takes care of the things she took.
He also play bass, guitar and percussion, i mean he was a genius, is not easy to explain the way he created the songs, he must have had lots of technics, i mean how did he compose Monkey Business or Superfly sister, those are crazy awesome songs just almost unheard stuff for a musician, not typical songs, Michael was one of a kind, im almost sure we will never know how this amazing genius worked, cause many things were just in his mind
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he did boths, ussually he would use a piano for a melody but for the sounds he kinda made them with his own voice and recorded them, he had many ways of writing and composing, i mean he had many creative ideas, there are lots of recorded stuff that we havent heard yet, they may be a key to tell at least a little how he composed a song, i hope latoya takes care of the things she took.
He also play bass, guitar and percussion, i mean he was a genius, is not easy to explain the way he created the songs, he must have had lots of technics, i mean how did he compose Monkey Business or Superfly sister, those are crazy awesome songs just almost unheard stuff for a musician, not typical songs, Michael was one of a kind, im almost sure we will never know how this amazing genius worked, cause many things were just in his mind

God he was just so talented.....I miss you so much Michael..:cry:
Piano, bass, guitar and percussion, there may be more, but i just know those for a fact

Really, wow. It's not a suprise that he could play these instruments because he was a genious afterall.

Are there any videos/interviews of him talking about this or even playing some of these instruments?

Thanks for quoting me.
Piano, bass, guitar and percussion, there may be more, but i just know those for a fact

How do you know that? All I know is that he could play piano by ear and that he was messing with guitar as a kid. :)

Anyway, I doubt that he could play instruments really well - he never played them live. Can you imagine - give in to me performed totally live with MJ playing guitar? That would be the best performance ever! :)
How do you know that? All I know is that he could play piano by ear and that he was messing with guitar as a kid. :)

Anyway, I doubt that he could play instruments really well - he never played them live. Can you imagine - give in to me performed totally live with MJ playing guitar? That would be the best performance ever! :)

Same here! That would have been so cool. I don't think I've ever come across any picture of Michael posing with a guitar though, haha. That would have been cool though. But similar to Prince.
i mean how did he compose Monkey Business or Superfly sister, those are crazy awesome songs just almost unheard stuff for a musician, not typical songs, Michael was one of a kind, im almost sure we will never know how this amazing genius worked, cause many things were just in his mind

What's so special about Superfly Sister? It sounds like a typical mid 80s funk song to me, maybe The Deele or Prince, and a Roger Troutman like guitar riff. Maybe it sounds unique to people who don't listen to funk.
Bruce Swedien has already said this year MJ was not the kind of musician who could play complex stuff with instruments. He could play a little, but not like his own professional musicians.

He used his beatbox skills mainly with the piano for the melody - he used the piano when working with Glen Ballard for Keep The Faith.

Album credits list the other instruments MJ played - no real complex playing involved.
I am always amazed by the choir-work he delivers.
I mean, the harmony's in Blood on the dance floor" for example, só beatiful.
I wonder if he made them, of just sang them!!
Does anyone know?
he was not a super-talented musician in the sense of Eddie Van Halen or Prince etc. but he could play some instruments passably well. he played most of the instruments, including the drums, on Morphine. he played quite a few instruments from Blood on the Dance Floor to Invincible, if I remember correctly.

IMO, his biggest, baddest instrument was his voice and his beatboxing. when you can sing like THAT, ya don't need much more to claim "genius". very few pop artists can sing like he did.
Michael palyed the Piano. Guitar, key board and precussion. He can play most instuments but mastered the Piano. I am quite sure he played the Guitar a lot when writing his songs..
Yeah he loved the Piano..aww!!
His Children will know..
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Michael palyed the Piano. Guitar, key board and precussion. He can play most instuments but mastered the Piano. I am quite sure he played the Guitar a lot when writing his songs..
Yeah he loved the Piano..aww!!
His Children will know..

I think that you should use the word mastered more carefuly. Shurely MJ could play well by ear, but considering that he even could not read scores, we can't say that he mastered it. Even some of the best pianists are far away from "mastering" the hardest instument.

MJ was hardly anything more than average pianist.
I know what i'm talking about, i'm the pianist myself.
I think that Michael hardly ever needed to play any instruments when he composed a song because he could sing the music parts him self

Check out the Demo for Wanna Be Startin Somethin and go to 3:49 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEZsGjtsnJY

Michael sings the guitar part himself

So another way that Mike probably wrote was that he would sing the music parts to the musicians and then they would play what he sang and if i remember correctly i think that Bill Botrell once said that Michael sang the guitar parts for Black Or White to him and he played what Michael sang on the guitar