When do you think the press will stop reporting rubbish!!!!!!

michaels wendy bird

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a land full of gold pants!
After myself and my mum watched the memorial i said to her i just want it all to stop now i dont want to read anymore rubbish, i want to get through it all without having it shoved in my face!

Reading everything makes it harder for me!
If a miracle occurs...it will stop.
But as that's not what would happen...it probably won't ever stop.

We can just hope the future will bring us a different kind of press...a better one, without destroying people's life.:(
When people stop buying the papers and magazines, watching the TV shows, and buying in to the sensationilism. If there's a demand for it, it won't stop. Try to ignore it, I know it's hard, but it's all lies, we know that :better:
Never, unfortunately. People like to hear bad things, so that's what they report
I'm really upset at all the trash out there too. It's not just upsetting but incredibly annoying after a while. It makes you want to scream, especially when people buy into it and believe it. I can't tell you how many times I had to clear up some things with my friends about Michael because they just simply don't want to take the time to look up the truth.

I hope it all stops soon though.
When will it stop? When the public stops wanting sensationalism, when it stops wanting rumor instead of fact. Unfortunately we live in a world of cable and in that world they often dont care about facts. They want shocking details, whether its true or not and the public hungry for more laps it up.
It actually pisses me off and I'm not keeping my mouth shut this time. They were relentless when Michael was alive, and still is. I'm not talking this easy, Michael endured so much and now that he's suppose to have his rest they still wont stop, oh that is too much!

It's alright if they'll continue to swarm with MJ articles as long as it's the truth.
very poor to michael...
I don't know why people like to hear bad things about the famous stars,
and it'll be more serious in the future,
so the media likes to tell lies, not the truth~~~
Probably never. Theres more rubbish reporting now than at any other time I can think of. Cable tv changed everything. Now there are heaps of shows all competing with each other and I think journalistic ethics has gone out the window for alot of them too.