When did Michael collapse on stage?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When I was a lot younger I remember hearing about Michael collapsing on stage during one of his performances. Does anyone remember that? And can they tell me what year it was and which concert it was?
Wasn't it in 1999, the "MJ&Friends" medley in Korea? Back problems?
do you mean when he slipped during the smooth criminal lean ?
I remember reading an article back in the 90s that MJ had collapsed on stage during the Wembley concert around 1992. I remember seeing a picture of him kneeling down holding his forehead with his hand and some of his helpers being around him. He looked as if he was grinning with pain... He was wearing that white suit, it looked like the one at the end of the Dangerous concert before he takes off in the air. Don't know if that picture corresponded to the collapse but it did look like it...
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yes I have a piece of newspaper of that its during the man in the mirror performance
Michael never collapsed during Dangerous tour to my knowledge, He usually faked being exhauted and rolled around on the floor alot during MITM Dangerous tour, like he had given the show his all.

The collapse was from the rehearsals of the HBO 1995 special, Michael had to be taken to hospital
Michael never collapsed during Dangerous tour to my knowledge, He usually faked being exhauted and rolled around on the floor alot during MITM Dangerous tour, like he had given the show his all.

The collapse was from the rehearsals of the HBO 1995 special, Michael had to be taken to hospital

yes I think that article is made up
Are you sure the pic isn't just from when he's performing Man In the Mirror and falls down and is then helped up by stagehands? I've never heard about him collapsing on stage. I've only heard of him collapsing before the "One Night Only" special.
Are you sure the pic isn't just from when he's performing Man In the Mirror and falls down and is then helped up by stagehands? I've never heard about him collapsing on stage. I've only heard of him collapsing before the "One Night Only" special.
I don't know for sure if the photo was the one showing the collapse, it could be at a different time. But i do remember clearly the reports about him collapsing on stage in Wembley. I really don't know; I just remember reading it clearly because it was the very first magazine I bought just for MJ (I had just become a fan a few days before).

edit: I remember the photo showed him wearing a white suit with red stripes. Was he wearing that during MITM?? Maybe you're right.
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This shirt?


This is the shirt from Man in the Mirror.
This shirt?


This is the shirt from Man in the Mirror.
Hmmm... It kinda rings some bells! LOL Must be that one yes, I wish I could scan the photo but the magazine is miles away in a different country! lol But yeah, it should be that one i think!
About the collapse I still don't know... there was no mjjcommunity forum back them to confirm it or not. LOL But I do remember the article about the collapse 100%, and also a couple of other mentionings about it back then.
1996 Michael was getting ready for a HBO special at the Beacon Theater in NYC when he fell during rehearsals. he had to cancel the show
Yeah, all I know it's the HBO one... and I think at a few concerts backstage...
Yep. It was for the HBO special that never was. "One Night Only" in 1995. It was going to be at the Beacon Theater which would have been something totally different from what we have seen of him.

I remember getting so excited when I was a kid and I heard that he was going to do this. Then boom...it was canceled.

Here's the promo for it.
Michael Jackson's stable after collapse Dec. 7, 1995.

Michael Jackson 'stable' after collapse

December 7, 1995
Web posted at: 10:30 a.m. EST

From Correspondent Mark Scheerer

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Michael Jackson was hospitalized in stable condition Thursday, suffering from apparent dehydration and low blood pressure. The 37-year-old entertainer collapsed on stage during a rehearsal at the Beacon Theater in New York late Wednesday afternoon.

New York Emergency Medical Service received a call at 4:51 p.m. from a security guard at the theater saying Jackson was not breathing, but when they arrived minutes later he was awake and alert, according to EMS spokesman John Hanchar. Emergency workers determined that Jackson was suffering from exhaustion, dehydration and dangerously low blood pressure, Hanchar told CNN.

EMS spokeswoman Marie Lamberti said that when Jackson was first treated, his blood pressure measured 70 over 40. A healthy reading would be 120 over 80.

"He appeared very sluggish," said emergency medical technician La-Shunn Knight. (40K AIFF sound or 40K WAV sound) She said Jackson, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, mumbled a few words she couldn't understand.

Another medical technician, Kevin Barwick, said Jackson was "semi-conscious" and was treated with oxygen and intravenous fluids before being taken to Beth Israel Hospital North.

Jackson's health has made news before. His hair caught fire when a smoke bomb misfired while he was taping a Pepsi commercial in 1984. He was hospitalized with chest pains in 1990. An August 1993 concert in Singapore was postponed because Jackson was suffering from dehydration. And in November 1993, he cut short a concert tour because of an addiction to prescription painkillers amid allegations of child molestation.

Jackson's sister, recording artist Janet Jackson, appeared at the hospital shortly after her brother's arrival.

His admission for tests raised questions about the two weekend concerts to be taped for a cable TV special Sunday night on HBO. HBO officials say rehearsals for "Michael Jackson: One Night Only" are continuing while they await word on whether he will be able to go on.

"Michael was not going to be in rehearsals tonight," said HBO spokesman Quentin Schaffer. "It was just pyrotechnics. His private physician is flying in from Los Angeles right now and we will not know anything until Thursday.

The special is scheduled to be taped Friday and Saturday.

I can remember when this happened. I was 12. I put on my HIStory tape and listened to Billie Jean. I just cried myself to sleep. I didn't understand what was happening. I recall having to go to school the next day. I couldn't think of anything other than Michael being in a hospital bed. I thought he wasn't going to get better.
In that "Man in the Mirror" spin, he needs help to get up bcause he almost break his knees!!!! He fell over them with huge strenght and he wasn`t wearing knee protection!

About the collapse, I remember for sure the one on rehearsals for the HBO "One Night Only"(where the famous pics with Marcel Marceau where taken). But I can recall with a blur as well, back in '93 something about stress caused by the allegations that caused a faint or a cancelation or something like that.

In fact there are some rumors that Michael canceled 1 concert on his Dangerous Tour here in Mexico because of the stress, but the official version is he had tooth ache and he had to go to the dentist. And the dentist visit leads to another rumor about the missing tooth...

Michael leaving hospital after collapse
Oh man I couldn't watch that MITM video of michael. Those ppl are so lucky they got to see michael perform on stage. It breaks my heart I was 18 days aways and now he's gone forever. I just couldn't watch it.:(
Well during the performance he falls to the ground.

Here it is. Around 2:25 he falls to the ground. Around 2:45 he is helped up.


That was all choreographed. It's a tribute to James Brown who used to do the same thing (as in fall over, get helped up by someone then shake his hand like he doesn't need any help and get right back into performing). Here watch this clip (at around the 45 second mark and 1:55... and at 3 minutes in): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5aVhLjT7UE
michael never collasped on stage,the mitm falling down thing is apart of the show.but he did collaspe during rehearsals in 95
hbo show 1996.it was something similar to what happened now-low blood presure,no breathing...but then they managed to bring him back...
Oh wow, i remember how people on another forum said that he got out from that concert because he simply cancelled it, so those same peolpe were expecting that
from the O2 shows now too. They must have believed the stories from tabloids then...
no doubt that tabloids at that time claimed MJ just cancelled the shows for no reason.

Boy george got it spot on..this like many other things is in homage to mr james brown...i on't believe he would do the drop every night amd not wear shin pads because james would have told him thats what he did...
in toranto in 1981 jb was was a little high from some weed, and when he dropped to do please please please, insted of the little pads he used to sometimes have on, he forgot, and hit hard and split his patellas on his knee caps, he never recovered and got arthrites from that, and still dropped and every night, had to use garbage cans after the show to soak his feet and knees in salts, even before he left the gig.
Oh wow, i remember how people on another forum said that he got out from that concert because he simply cancelled it, so those same peolpe were expecting that
from the O2 shows now too. They must have believed the stories from tabloids then...
no doubt that tabloids at that time claimed MJ just cancelled the shows for no reason.

fake fans and the media always used to blame mj and say he was faking. its called dehumanising someone
Did you see that spin at 2:25??? good lord, that's the longest spin i've seen yet. WOW

oh yes!!! This is one of my ultimate favorite performances of Michael's....He is just sooooo beautiful, he puts his heart and soul into his performances.....gotta love that Michael..:)
Michael has never collapsed during a performance. The Man In The Mirror collapse is part of the show, and is taken from James Brown. Michael first used this on the 1988 Grammy performance and then on the Dangerous Tour implemented this to his performance of the same song, using James Browns own idea for this. The point is to fake that you collapse during a step or a spin, and then one of the stage crew or singers come over and help you up. Michael plays like he is exhausted or hurt and when he is picked up he starts to sing again.

Michael has however collapsed before a concert and that was in 1993 on the Dangerous Tour. The reason was dehydration and he cancelled the concert right before it started.

Michael also had a collapse in 1995 while rehearsing for the HBO special.
I remember reading an article back in the 90s that MJ had collapsed on stage during the Wembley concert around 1992. I remember seeing a picture of him kneeling down holding his forehead with his hand and some of his helpers being around him. He looked as if he was grinning with pain... He was wearing that white suit, it looked like the one at the end of the Dangerous concert before he takes off in the air. Don't know if that picture corresponded to the collapse but it did look like it...

yeah one of the tabloids at the time, the sun or star or some other crap like that had that pic as their front page, with the headline "collapses on stage" but the pic was from the previous nights wembley concert......i was there, he didn't collapse.....................it was just the man in the mirror bit where he dropped to his knees and was helped up.....same as every night:)