When changing your hair colour....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A nice filthy cemertery
...do you always get the "your hair will fall out" speach from your grandparents?

I always get it. And now since I have finished my Cert II course in hairdressing, I learnt that it's not true if you color your hair a darker color. Because color stops processing after the first 45 minutes, bleach on the other hand continues processing until the hair becomes too weak and falls out.

My gandfather told me this morning that he has seen it happen to someone that was coloring her hair blonde, and their hair turned to jelly and fell out. I told him that Blonde hair colors have bleach in them to make the hair go lighter, her hair just became too weak because of the bleach that was in it. Bleach strips the color out which weakin' the hair itself.

He still didn't believe me.
I didn't bother giving the speach to my step-grandmother cause she would just call me a little-miss-know-it-all

So do you always get the speach, even from other family members
Nope, I don't. My mom is a beautician and my aunt used to be one as well. So my family really doesn't make a big deal out of it and I'm 16. I've been getting color in my hair since I was 10. haha. My parents are just happy they don't have to pay for me to get it done because they'd be broke. :p
Read my thread from last week called 'Hair colour problem' I think.

My hair went wrong and I was constantly dying it to correct previous dye jobs.

It wont fall out with one dye, it wont fall out with 2 dyes, even 3 dyes wont do it. But I dyed my hair about 5 times last week and my hair actually did kind of start falling out. It was breaking off, I combed my hair and there were clumps of hair on the comb.

I have learnt my lesson now, but never dye your hair too much. It will fall out.
Yes, I have gotten such a speech in the past, from my hypocrite mother who dares to lecture me on the subject while reguarly dying her hair.

I don't believe her, though, as numerous friends of mine are regular hair dyers as well and their hair has yet to fall out. I agree with what L.T.D. said: don't dye your hair too much in a short period of time, or it will start to fall out.

I still plan to dye my hair pink after I am in college, so my mother won't bother me about it.
I agree with what L.T.D. said: don't dye your hair too much in a short period of time, or it will start to fall out.


Yes, do not make the same mistake I did. Also if your hair goes wrong once, do not try and correct it yourself. Go to a salon.

I tried to do it myself over and over again and my hair became over processed and it was still a strange colour.

I ended up with gingerish blonde hair, to which I then needed to dye over it with brown. This is when my hair started breaking off, it was literally like cotton wool. Then I was left stressed with hair I didnt like that was terribly damaged. I got it highlighted at the hair dressers, so I was happy with the look but it was still terribly damaged.

They did a deep conditioning treatment in the salon, then I bought a VO5 hot oil treatment. I bought a very moisturising shampoo and a leave in conditoner. My hair is just now getting better.

I never want to be able to see that much of my hair coming out ever again. Im going to be so much careful from now on.

DO NOT dye your hair so much in a short period. Once every 2 months or so is fine.
I've been 'bleaching' my hair blonde highlights since I was about 16 years old...I'm now 28, and my hair has NOT fallen out :lol: I get highlights done probably every 7-8 weeks..I think if you use proper hair product to protect your hair from the damage bleach can do, then it'll be fine...I use Aveda Damage Remedy conditioner, and it works like a charm. :D
I've been 'bleaching' my hair blonde highlights since I was about 16 years old...I'm now 28, and my hair has NOT fallen out :lol: I get highlights done probably every 7-8 weeks..I think if you use proper hair product to protect your hair from the damage bleach can do, then it'll be fine...I use Aveda Damage Remedy conditioner, and it works like a charm. :D

I dyed my hair 5 times last week. Thats why it started breaking off :( haha But i've learnt my lesson.
Changing hair colour, you have to very carefull, mostly with bleaching, leave it in long enough and you could just pull hand fulls out without a problem if you do it yourself. I started going darker after going blonde last year, only just started getting it's shine and health back with Goldwell, the blonde is still under the black at the ends of my hair tho.
I dyed my hair 5 times last week. Thats why it started breaking off :( haha But i've learnt my lesson.

:bugeyed ...you were having some serious trouble, weren't you? that's crazy! yeah, i never do my hair myself....i'm too scared! lol
Well, I've just been to the salon today after having a diasterous dye job done my my usually fab mobile hairdresser. I had my highlights done yesterday as usual and asked to a bit blonder. It looked awful and the colour was all uneven esp at the roots- all black!
Got her back this afternoon where she put more dye on the black bits-didn't make much difference! It looked awful! After she'd gone I kept looking in the mirror and getting upset. I bit the bullet and made an appt and then had to cancel because I was getting a ASDA grocery delivery, and then I phoned again, went in and went back to a very nice looking chocolate brown. Very happy! they put a semi-permnant in. It is locvely and glossy. I spoke to my mobile hairdresser and tried not to make her feel bad- I obviously didn't tell her the salon told me my blonde highlights were like tigerstripes amd all uneven) and I will see her in six weeks as usual for a cut and I have to tell her in advance if I want to touch up the brown again so she knows what to bring!
no more blonde for me. My natural colour is dark brown so it's weird and nice to be going back to it.!
I'm blessed with getting grey at a young age so I dye my hair for years. I also heard bleaching your hair lighter is bad and so on but hey if you take good care of your hair, use good products and don't do it to often then it should be ok. I always have colors close to my own hair color. I have light brown hair and I mostly dye it a bit darker or a more warm color such as mahony. I also dye my moms hair from time to time. Ohh and she was even the one who thought it would be nice to color it with wash out dye when I first started. And she was like maybe you should get real highlights (when I was young I used hair mascara from time to time which looked cool) :lol:

My hair needs to be done again for months to be honest hehe but now it's so sunny and hot outside that I'm like nah.. I don't think anyone really does notice it as much as I do anyway :lol: And with this sun it's not wise to dye your hair coz the color might change a lot:no:
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:bugeyed ...you were having some serious trouble, weren't you? that's crazy! yeah, i never do my hair myself....i'm too scared! lol

I was yes! I was terrified when my hair was coming out so easily......

Since then i've been conditioning a lot and using a leave in conditioner and it seems to be getting a lot better :)
I was yes! I was terrified when my hair was coming out so easily......

Since then i've been conditioning a lot and using a leave in conditioner and it seems to be getting a lot better :)

Oh good! :D Conditioner is always the best bet