What's Your Real Age?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
I turned 19 last Saturday and they say I'm 20 so I guess it's a pretty good result :p
hmmm...says I am 26....I wish I was 26 again..:lmao:....haven't seen that in about 16 years
Go figure, I just turned 60 and the result was 20. :scratch:
When I changed my fave color from blue to green they said my real age was 26 :scratch:
im 18 really but that quiz says im 20. not far out i suppose!! lol
You are 60? wow..

I know, tell me about it. But 60 is now the new 50 according to articles out there, and 50 is probably how I would describe myself; not like my generation's grandmothers of years past. Inside I'm still like the generation of the 70's, free thinker, open minded, and just far more accepting to all lifestyles than many people I know that are decades younger. My son will be 38 this year and far more conservative than I am by a long shot. Such is life- :popcorn:
Oh noo it needs a twitter account :( I will never know the answer now, lol.
I got 20! And I'm actually 22, I'd say it's about right! :lol:
I took the 'Are you Justin Bieber's Dream Girl!?' test. I think I failed on the 'What gander are you?' question.
Umm I'm 16 and it says that my real age is 34...

I'm kinda embarassed. lol.
..how am i 12 when i put down i liked an alcoholic drink..lol

..maybe if i put down soda i would have gotten 21..