what's your favorite Social Network?

I don't know. I never really got into the whole MySpace scene. I looked at other people's profiles but didn't make one of my own. I have a Facebook page but since I graduated from college I've let it sit and rot.

I fail to understand the appeal of Twitter and "tweeting." I suppose if I had a really active life and lots of followers I would have a use for it, but I don't. My mother really doesn't understand it. At a commencement ceremony a few nights ago, the speaker mentioned the difference between our generation and ours: they used manual typewriters and we're on computers "tweeting." My mom turns to me and whispers loudly (with people around us) "What the f*** IS that???" :doh:

Are there any other social networks out there?
i only made a twitter the other day.mostly to follow some celebs. i dont have a facebook..seems a little boring. im more into youtube socializing and i do have a myspace..but i dont find myself doing much on it anymore except for logging in and accepting friend requests.
I can't get into Facebook. Tried it for like a day :lol: and I didn't care for it. Now I just use Myspace and Twitter. :)
I love facebook im ashamed to say it runs my life - its my diary , my calender , bordom cruncher , my pen and paper and my email lol x
Well since I love Soical Networkin websites even for them just to think about it. I love Myspace, Bebo, & Facebbok thats about it. But the rest of them you can forget about "Twitter" & other social bordaing stuff.
I m on Youtube and Facebook
Youtube - keep MJ fav vids and make friends especially MJ fans
Facebook - Making friend especially MJ fans and keep contact people who working for the company around the world :) and play Hold em Poker :D lolz
I haven't really got into MySpace or Twitter so I just say Facebook.. :)
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I have myspace.com\sdeidjs that has everything and anything one would want to know about me.

My boss has recently been praising facebook, I have an account but like others its collecting dust. He thinks its cool...

Twitter...I have no idea about...whats the difference..?

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth

BTW: Does anyone know how to do an ''enter'' at myspace in your profile text?

Everytime I type something like this:

I get this:
Hello I am Maura.

I DONT WANT THAT!! *puts up angry face* :p
Twitter is like the worst part of Facebook got its own site. Although I can see people enjoying the simplicity, its just that I don't really care about what someone is currently eating or when they're finished watching their soap operas.