What's The Most Embarrassing "Boyfriend" You've Ever Had?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ever make up a boyfriend? I have. When I was a teen, I dated my own character from a story I was writing. His name was Bryan Smith, and he was a Black teenager with Black Hair and dark Brown eyes. He attended Miami Beach Senior High School. I decided to make him my "boyfriend", changed his color to White, his eyes Blue, and his hair blonde and I wrote love letters to myself as Bryan, saying I was beautiful and sweet. I would gush over these letters, and only about three people actually believed that Bryan was my actual boyfriend.

I said that Bryan gave me these letters from MIAMI BEACH, , even though I lived in NORTH MIAMI( big ass difference in distance). That's not suspicious at all. :rolleyes: Plus, my handwriting happened to be the SAME exact handwriting as Byran's. :hysterical: That's also not suspicious at all. :rolleyes:

Though, I met a REAL guy soon named RYAN and we begun to hang out with each other. ( so, people begun to think that this was BRYAN, as they sound alike. Ryan said, "No my name is "R...Y...A...N." (Man, if only he'd kept his mouth shut....;)
You're a rather eccentric character, aren't you? ;D

Well the most embarrassing (and only) girlfriend I've had told my friends how bad our first kiss was, I even took the next two days off school just because of that but was still taunted for the rest of the week, pretty depressing.
LOL I don't think I've made up a boyfriend...

This wasn't a BOYFRIEND but it's a cute story.. I was a peer tutor for kids with disabilities, mainly I tutored students with downs or autistic kids. Anyway this one boy his name was David he was autistic. I just spent a lot of time with him so much he actually fell i love with me.. So one day at school I was pulled aside by his teacher and she said she had a Parent/Teacher conference with David and his mother and the teacher asked him what David wanted to be when he grew up and David said -- "I want to marry Amber (LastName) and we can live in a apartment and have kids" I was STUNNED when I heard that - Had No idea.. He was always following me after that "flirting" with me, acting like a boyfriend.. I had to break down and try not to hurt his feelings and explained how we should just be friends.. I may have broken his heart.. The teachers were VERY CONFUSED I think some of them thought we were actually a Item because David told them we were ..:wub:
Ever make up a boyfriend? I have. When I was a teen, I dated my own character from a story I was writing. His name was Bryan Smith, and he was a Black teenager with Black Hair and dark Brown eyes. He attended Miami Beach Senior High School. I decided to make him my "boyfriend", changed his color to White, his eyes Blue, and his hair blonde and I wrote love letters to myself as Bryan, saying I was beautiful and sweet. I would gush over these letters, and only about three people actually believed that Bryan was my actual boyfriend.

I said that Bryan gave me these letters from MIAMI BEACH, , even though I lived in NORTH MIAMI( big ass difference in distance). That's not suspicious at all. :rolleyes: Plus, my handwriting happened to be the SAME exact handwriting as Byran's. :hysterical: That's also not suspicious at all. :rolleyes:

Though, I met a REAL guy soon named RYAN and we begun to hang out with each other. ( so, people begun to think that this was BRYAN, as they sound alike. Ryan said, "No my name is "R...Y...A...N." (Man, if only he'd kept his mouth shut....;)

:lol: my names Ryan :rofl:
That's hilarious, Karice. Thanks for sharing the story.
I told my classmates that Bryan and I would meet at North Miami High School at 6:35, and chat for about 5 minutes, before he rushed to Miami Beach High School. This could have been believable, because it is about a 40 minute drive between the two schools.... :)
I don't have a most embarrassing boyfriend story, but a most embarrassing date story. :lol:

I met this one guy who seemed nice, wasn't bad looking, he was smart, had a great job (surgeon), etc. So he asked me out and we went to this one art gallery on our first date, which was nice. So we meet there and I say I gotta go buy a ticket and he quickly goes "Oh...no I've already taken care of it, don't worry!"...So of course I think he has BOUGHT us tickets. So he keeps telling me to go quick and we kind of rush inside and I'm just like "Wow...isn't he eager to get in!! He must really love art!" :lol: So we go in and look at all this stuff and it's really nice and we talk and notice we like a lot of the same things, etc.. Then we leave and he's whispering to me all excited like "Wasn't it great that we didn't have to pay at all??!!!! Isn't that great??!!!!". And I am like :blink: "I thought you had bought us tickets...?" and he's grinning and giggling and going "No I didn't!! We got in without paying! Isn't it great!!!". And I'm thinking "What the HELL???". :blink: So anyways, I don't really know what to think and am a bit confused but then we keep talking so I kind of let it go and am like "Maybe I misunderstood something?" :scratch: So we go to this gift shop at the gallery next and look at stuff and then at some point he finds some book that he likes so he takes it and we look at other stuff while he carries the book in his hands. And we look at more stuff and walk around and then after a while we are leaving and almost out the door, when I notice he still has that book. And I'm like "Aren't you gonna pay for that?" :mello: and he's like "oh yeah....I forgot". And I'm like "Is this guy for real??!!" :doh: :lol: :lol: So then we go to this really nice, expensive restaurant after the gallery and we sit down and order our food and eat and then at some point he excuses himself and I assume he'll go to the restroom. So he leaves and then I see him walk and wander around and he disapperas for a while. Then he comes back and sits down. Then at some point I notice that the restrooms are at a TOTALLY different direction than where he was. So I'm like "Huh???" :scratch: So then after a while we leave and I realize that everyone's jackets are where I had seen him wander around and I'm like "Is he an effing THIEF or what the hell was he doing???" :mello: :lol: :lol:

I was just waiting for someone to show up with cameras the whole time to tell me I'm on "Disaster Date" or something! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That guy was WEIRD!!! :lol: :lol:
Karice - I think we've all used the excuse 'I've got a boyfriend' or 'I've got a girlfriend' a few times in life.

Summer - Oh my goodness!! So.. did you see him again then??! :lol:
I was just waiting for someone to show up with cameras the whole time to tell me I'm on "Disaster Date" or something! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That guy was WEIRD!!! :lol: :lol:

Mister Cheapo :lol:
Bryan Smith(the boyfriend) was supposed to be a sweet, gentleman, nice teenage boy who never fought and was deeply in love with me. One of my classmates pointed out how ridiculous that notion was.... he said, 'Since you want him to be a sweet boy who never fights, what if you are getting the hell beat out of you by other people? He would just be standing around saying, "Karice, i love you, i love you., :hysterical: and not fighting these people off of you." I agreed that the classmate had a good point.