Whats the meaning of life?

This is very good question.I've been wondering for sometime now,why am i in trhis world.Why did i have to be born,if eveything i want or wish,either is destroyed,or i can't do it.
If anyone finds an aswer tothat question,can you tell me please?
At this point i don't have answers for anything.
i listened to a guy on the radio who said he had tried many different jobs and career attempts, and was a complete failure for almost all of them. he didn't become successful until he was in his 70's. now he has a very successful radio broadcast.

another guy, who was a great painter, also followed the same course. now many strive to paint like him.

IMO, once you get to the point, where you ask the question that the o.p. is asking, that's when you begin to find the meaning of life..

it will be your own personal journey that no one else can answer. it is worth the journey. for me, i never felt truly alone with God by my side.
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:bugeyedOh god I was joking the other day when I said Im surprised there isnt a meaning of life thread and here we are.:scratch:

The Meaning Of Life is to reproduce and fill the earth.
Just google it :D

Naw but on the real though, for me meaning of life is what you self find as a meaning to your life.
And that is no matter if your meaning is to fornicate as much as possible, flip burgers as much as possible, be a hoe as much as possible, be an illusionist, be a stripper, be a computer tech, hug trees, fight for animal rights, be a dancer or just live your whole life as a slacker, WITHOUT any regrets.

Create your own God, write your own bible, make your own path... and every once in a while make a reality check to see that you've not got lost.
The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. The meaning of your life to you could be to leave behind a legacy by way of children, or to leave behind a legacy by way of a big, successful company or charity or school. No one put you here, no one has a plan for you. You make the plan, you run your life, you make your life whatever you want it to be. You decide what the meaning of your life is.
to play hide and seek with happiness. happiness is hiding and u are out there looking for it. if/when u find it u gotta hold on to it real tight and never let it go. if u fail to do so then the game begins again. but if u quit ur dead.
I'm begenning to think that most people don't have much of a meaning. We are here to exist and to suffer. Most people just go on day by day doing whatever they can to survive one more day. They may be happy living their simple life or miserable. Children may bring happines to some but threre are lots of people who'd better be without any kids.
Some people spend their entire life trying to find "happiness" and to become somebody, the truth is most never become anything. Some of them probably get very depressed when they realize this.
the most important thing in life in love...love is the only thing that makes sense