Whats the Kids' Fave MJ Song??


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was just thinking what the kids' fave song is from their daddy.

I would imagine 'Human Nature' for Paris
'Bad' for Prince I
and Blanket I dunno

Anyone know for sure what their fave MJ song is??
awww...that is such a good question! in wonder too....:scratch:
Good question, something I have always wondered too. It would be interesting to see what kind of taste they have since Michael's music is so versatile.
This is a great question...maybe one day they ll tell us...:heart:
Got to say!!!all of michaels music..straight up...the best!!!prince..paris...blanket...you're daddy's heart...so pure...we need to be like him!!! We love you!!!!
This is a great question...maybe one day they ll tell us...:heart:

I'm sure they will. Along with such information as this I am confident when they are old enough, they will fight back and speak the truth about their father. And that is something I can not wait for.

On topic, hmm....I really do not have a clue. I mean, we really do not know anything about them. If I had to guess I could at least say that I think Paris would be into something like "Heal the World".
nawwww ^ Paris seems to have an edgy side. I wouldn't be surprise if it is "Smooth Criminal."
I remember reading somewhere that the two eldest children had favorite songs and Blanket didn't, he loves all his daddy's songs and he loved it best when they ( Travis Payne and Michael) rehearsed the dancing at Michael's home. Blanket would sit quietly in a corner and observe and learn, just like his daddy did when he was young.

Could have been mentioned also by Travis Payne in the YT videos when he was interviewed by Raffles van Exel.