whats the interview where mj jokes about his age


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi, i remember i watched an interview of michael on youtube where he jokes about his age, he says that he's 30 years old i think but then he says he's kidding and he replies that he's like 24 or so..does anyone remember which interview is that?
i didn't know where to ask this question, i hope i posted it in the right forum,
thanks for your quick reply ParisKatherine! :) i love it how he says 30 with a serious face hehe
Wow Michael is so cute in that video!! I haven't seen it before,thanks :)
His smile just lightens the room everytime.
I wanna eat him up!!! What a cutie!!! Even as he hides half his face with the sunglasses he's still beautiful!
i had never seen that before...its really great. Jeez that man never really did change did he he...:wub:
he said it was to hide people looking into his soul. it was privacy for him. the largeness is most likely for fashion lol!
I haven't seen this before! But I think I read it some time ago. I wonder if I can download it somewhere...