What's the difference between co-writing and arranging?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now. What is the difference between someone who co-writes music for a song and someone who arranges music for a song? Cause it all just seems like the same thing to me
This is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now. What is the difference between someone who co-writes music for a song and someone who arranges music for a song? Cause it all just seems like the same thing to me

co write means to participate in the melody writing, and backing chord writing.. and, or, the words. arranging means putting in order, what they feel is the strongest, most memorable part of the song, to, the weakest part...as in..from the hook, to the part of the song that is least easy to remember.
co write means you either help with the words or the music with a partner.

arranging is putting the instruments to the parts.parts are put together by the arranger who is the in beween by the writer and producer.