whats the best cell phone company?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
speak now and forever hold your piece. which cell phone company is the best that is out there and why?
From what I've heard, o2 has the best customer service!
I hate almost all of the cell phone companies. But I now have ATT. Don't go T mobile, they are crooks and have bad reception (at least on the East Coast)

Sprint is terrible as well and is even more crooked than Tmobile.

Att is a bunch of crooks as well. But lately they have been so accommodating to me. Also they have the Iphone (although Verizon will be getting that soon). I have been with them for the last 6 years.

Verizon has good service but they are a little pricey.

Those are the main companies I could think of.
my blackberry is on verizon. I kept hearing how bad ATT is. i thought att had better phones though (iphone). but from what im told verizon has a better network. hurry iphone or i have to move!
In the UK, I would say either O2 or Orange. I've been on Orange ever since I got my first mobile phone at 14yrs, and I would say that it was the best tariff back then by quite a long way. Now, though, O2 has really good deals and great customer service, not to mention things like the O2 blue room and priority tickets for events at the arena.

For the UK then, I would probably say that O2 is best.
Well I am from the US. I had Centennial originally and their service is pretty bad. Their phones aren't outstanding either. So my family and I took our business to Verizon. I have been pretty satisfied with their service. As an overall company they do a very fair job at everything. The brand of cell phone I have (Blackberry Pearl) and the franchise of Verizon that I have near me ... those are the problems! The pearls roller ball is ridiculous and I am on my 9th phone in 2 years, just because of internal issues with the phone.

My boyfriend works for Sprint though, and from what I can tell the branch of Sprint that he works for gives excellent customer service. They go above and beyond to make the customer happy, so I have actually been considering a switch to Sprint.