What's so bad about having the spirit of a kid?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why is it that when an adult is interested in things that are aimed at children (Toys, cartoons, video games etc) society looks down on them. I'm 21 years old and i love watching cartoons, playing video games and going to toy stores. People have said ''Come on Phill your 21 now you need to grow up''. I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm not hurting anybody. As you all know people have made fun of Michael Jackson because of this and in this case i can really relate to Michael.

and personally i'd rather a world where adults watched cartoons, played video games etc instead of the world we're in now, where adults are doing drugs, starting wars etc

So why does society think that having the spirit of child is a bad thing?
Why is it that when an adult is interested in things that are aimed at children (Toys, cartoons, video games etc) society looks down on them. I'm 21 years old and i love watching cartoons, playing video games and going to toy stores. People have said ''Come on Phill your 21 now you need to grow up''. I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm not hurting anybody. As you all know people have made fun of Michael Jackson because of this and in this case i can really relate to Michael.

and personally i'd rather a world where adults watched cartoons, played video games etc instead of the world we're in now, where adults are doing drugs, starting wars etc

So why does society think that having the spirit of child is a bad thing?

Your right. Fortunately, a lot of people I know are the same as me and enjoy child like things.

I can still appreciate all the things I appreciated as a child. Im 18 now btw. I still love to play on Pokemon games just as much as I did when I was 10.

My favourite film is still Home Alone 2, and it has been that way since I was about 5 years old. Im a MASSIVE wrestling fan and still get just as excited whenever Stone Cold Steve Austin comes back for one night as I did when I was 8.

But at the same time, im very mature when it is needed. When I was with my ex girlfriend and she was having problems, I like to think I allways stepped up in those type of situations.

Christmas is 6 days away and although im obviously not as excited as I would of been about 6 years ago. Im still incredibly excited!

My mum still acts like she is 16 in a lot of ways, even though she is 45 now. I constantly have laughing fits with her.

My dad still collects all the toys he loved when he was younger. Thunderbirds, Stingray etc. He has all the toys and models in our garage. He is now 53!

But dont let anyone look down on you for being child like! They are the boring ones.

There was never anything wrong with how Michael behaved. The people that call him weird for being child like. Try telling me that if they had all the money Michael had they wouldnt have their own amusement park, zoo, theater and everything else. Id take that in an instant! Your telling me they'd turn that down? Give me a break. Especially considering the fact he didnt live his childhood the first time round, its even more understandable.

If I ever end up losing my child like qualities then I ask all of you to be the living hell out of me.

Playstation 10 for my 50th Birthday ftw!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being childlike in your heart.
I don't know why some people find it strange but I guess it's the kind of soceity we live in. I love surrounding myself with people who apprechiate the simple things in life.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being childlike in your heart.
I don't know why some people find it strange but I guess it's the kind of soceity we live in. I love surrounding myself with people who apprechiate the simple things in life.


I also think the mentality is different in different countries. Here in Sweden everybody watches cartoons, children, and adults. Even senior citizens enjoy a good laugh from them. We even have a tradition of watching a special episode of Donald duck's Christmas on Christmas Eve. The whole country watches that episode every year at the same time :D
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being childlike in your heart :)
its the best gift you could have in my humble opinion .
embrace it if you have it :)
They use to say the difference between boys and men are the price of their toys.

I also think the mentality is different in different countries. Here in Sweden everybody watches cartoons, children, and adults. Even senior citizens enjoy a good laugh from them. We even have a tradition of watching a special episode of Donald duck's Christmas on Christmas Eve. The whole country watches that episode every year at the same time :D
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being childlike in your heart :)
They use to say the difference between boys and men are the price of their toys.


That's sooo true! *lol* You only have to take a close look at so called adult men when they are busy with their model railways, model cars or planes, collection figures etc. etc.

And how many women - and also men! - are collecting artist dolls (Demi Moore has a collection of over 3000 dolls, Mary Osmond manufactures dolls, Richard Simmons has his own line of collectible dolls, and John Wayne was an avid doll collector during his lifetime, to mention only a few) or artist bears ...
So who cares? :tease:

In my opinion people who are looking down on others with a childlike heart are missing something. They are missing a whole lot of joy those things can bring. "Playing" is an very emotional thing, something that touches you deep down inside.

Play is the way people of all ages and cultures discover, create and communicate. Play is the essence of life and learning.
Perhaps you might read this: http://www.energies4life.com/2009-07.html

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a childlike heart!
Yeah, Donald Duck on Xmas Eve is tradition! :D I watch cartoons all year around though hehe, I love Daffy Duck the most.

Adults are more eager than children to see Donald Duck with friends 15.00 every christmas eve.It reminds us of our childhood when that was almost the only time we could see cartoons.We watch the same stories we saw last year and before last year and so on.They change a few stories but when they took away Ferdinand,the bull who loves flowers, we couldn´t stand it.
Next year Ferdinand was back.

I also think the mentality is different in different countries. Here in Sweden everybody watches cartoons, children, and adults. Even senior citizens enjoy a good laugh from them. We even have a tradition of watching a special episode of Donald duck's Christmas on Christmas Eve. The whole country watches that episode every year at the same time :D
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being childlike in your heart :)

Really? Thats awesome! I wish we had something like that in England.
The next time someone says ''Arn't you to old for that kind of stuff'' just say to them ''Your never to old to have fun''
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!bump!!!! :wild:
well i must say I think I have a young soul....I luv to be silly and watch cartoons....I feel great most days..I like having fun....we all know that there is a time to be responsible and a time to have fun.....sometimes I do get sick of always having to be responsible..this is from the mouth of a 42 year old woman who has been married for 25 years with 2 grown children...but..I believe it is good to be a kid at heart...:)
I think a lot of people confuse being childlike, which is a good thing, with being childish (which can mean self-centered, irresponsible, etc). I make it my goal to always be childlike, and see the world with the same wonder and appreciation of life that I had when I was a child. Nothing wrong with it at all. I think it's a beautiful thing to still know how to have fun and enjoy life. :flowers:

Every holiday my cousins and I search for tennis balls that my grandpa hides throughout the house, and then get prizes. We're all teenagers now, but those are some of the most fun times we have together. Actually, my grandpa probably enjoys it as much as we do; he can be rather childlike himself sometimes :)
you've said it all !
Obviously my teacher hated it. When my classmates play card games, she will say something like grow up please you're not in kindergarten anymore. It's not like you play card games then you're not mature.i don't understand why people just always see being childlike as immature. What's wrong with just having some fun?
I'd rather get high from swinging on a swing in a park than from doing drugs.
This morning I again heard the song Once when I was little by James Morrison. Probably you know it. The lyrics reminded me a bit of this thread.

Once When I Was Little Songtext
by James Morrison

I was the one who would always jump in first
I didn't think twice to look behind
Got such a good feeling just from playing in the dirt
Once when I was little

We could build a rocket, fly to the moon
Leave Tuesday morning, be back for noon
And there wasn't nothing, nothing that we couldn't do
Oh, once when I was little, once when I was little

Yeah, I could dream more then
I could believe more then
That the world could only get better

I could be free more then
I could pretend more then
That this life could only show me good times
Once when I was little

There was a time when I trusted everyone
There was no place that I would not go
Spend all day on the hillside next to the barley mow
Oh, once when I was little, yeah, once when I was little

Yeah, I could dream more then
And I believe more then
That the world could only get better

I could be free more then
I could pretend more then
That this life could only show me good times
Once when I was little

I used to feel so strong
Even when they'd tell me, tell me I was wrong
That I can't live in a magic world
'Cause it's time for me to grow up
And I've got to live like the rest of them
Well, I know things have been lost

Oh, I could pretend more then
And I could believe more then
That the world, it would only get better

Oh, I could believe more then, yes I could
And I could pretend more then
That this life, it could only show me good times
Once when I was little

So here comes the next one, next in line
Stay as young you can, for the longest time
'Cause those days flew by
Like a breeze just passing through
Once when I was little

Here is a nice acoustic version of the song.
