What's in a name?....IRONY!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Second star to the right.
Ya know it's been almost a month since our Michael transcended and I think about him a lot like I'm sure everybody else does.

The irony of life always baffles me though.

Any body else realize how strange it is that Michael "Joseph" Jackson....the ONLY child of the 10 children born to the Jackson's that was his fathers namesake....seemed to have the most strained relationship with his dad.

Life can be so strange. You would think that for Joe to give Michael that name he would really show more care about him.

Look at how Michael made sure all of his kids have his name as a sign of love.

I don't know if I'll ever understand that one.
I have thought about that. Not enough thought to draw conclusions or anything but I did wonder why the sixth (counting Brandon) boy of seven boys would get the father's name.

Maybe it was just fate. Not that Joseph passed on anything great, maybe that's just the way it is for a significant reason that we can't explain.

Then again, maybe they DID just run out of names!
I actually thought that the other week, that Michael has his father's name within his own and having the most strained relationship with Joseph. The Jackson kids' names are actually pretty interesting: Maureen (Rebbie), Sigmund (Jackie), Toriano (Tito), Jermaine, LaToya Yvonne, Marlon David, Brandon, Michael Joseph, Steven Randall (Randy), Janet Damita Jo.

But it had to be Michael to be Joseph's namesake out all of the boys. But don't Prince and Blanket have Joseph in their names, as well?

I always thought he put 'Michael' in the name of all his kids because he wanted to make it pretty clear that these three were HIS kids and no one else's. JMO.