What's going to happen to Neverland?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011





Does anyone's heart break when the look at neverland like that...a place of joy and wonderment now lifeless and unflourished...I was very sad when I saw these pictures of Neverland it's like when Michael left so did a piece of his soul...the police and the money hungry GAVIN really did kill the last ounce of soul Michael had for that place.

I really can just fee the pain looking at it deserted :(
Neverland has been getting restored except for the animals and the zoo. They have cleared away the junk and rebuilt the lakes, pools and gardens almost like new. I guess there's alot more to do but I hear it's pretty nice again.

Those pictures are several years old by now.

But I still believe there should be a letter writing campaign to the new owner from Mike's fans about the property. When you live here and see the gate and the wreath it is part of your awareness of MJ and I feel him very much here and want to convince the new owner not to just sell it to the highest bidder like he could. I believe it does matter. It is not not just a house. People go there even now all day and get a picture taken. If it was just a house do you think that would go on for all these months?

Thomas Barrack
Colony Capital, LLC
1999 Avenue Of The Stars, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90067
I really want it to become a museum. The fans need a place where they can visit Michael forever, that has his spirit in it. It will also contribute to his legacy, I pray it opens up to the public one day.
I find these pictures sad to, although you mentioning that those pitures are a few years old & that its been refurbished abit now makes me feel abit better. This place IS happiness & joy, its got it written all over it & it should continue to be that way. That is why i hope it turns into a museum one day. I've never had the chance to visit there & would love to one day. Neverland is a wondeful place with happy memories and i think these memories should be recaptured even if Mike isnt there for real :( But, it would be nice for fans to visit & feel close to Michael again, i know i certainly would love that & feel great comfort. Neverland isnt the type of place to just be forgotten & sold off to some stranger, it should be remembered for being a happy place where Michael had some wonderful times there. Selling it to someone would be such a waste.

Cross fingers something nice happens for fans with it in the future... :)
barrack and co filed papers to turn it into a graceland type place a month or 2 back but they were withdrawn pretty quick. theres to much money to be made out of this place so something will happen sooner or later. its upto the esate as they reportedly own the majority share
i also agree. Neverland is such a beautiful place full of love and joy and we all know Michael still loved no matter what others may say. If Elvis fans can have Graceland to visit for all these years then why cant Michael's fans have a place to go as well? doesnt seem fair at all when we are just devoted to Michael as Elvis fans have been to been to him since he passed over 30 years ago. There is alot of money to be made from Neverland by fans who will visit it every chance they get and even though the residence near by may not like it they also need to understand that when Michael Jackson took residence there that would it be attraction to all people who loved Michael. now that he's gone his fans need somewhere to grieve with other fans and his children espeacialy should have a place where they can also see and remmeber their daddy and if anything all the money made should go to not only Michael's children but also charities that Michael loved and devoted all his time to. Neverland should be a museaum bc it would be a great way to keep his legacy alive and a greay way to keep Neverland alive.
I would love to see it open to the fans and all the children who went there from Make A Wish Foundation and other charities.

Here's the organization who opposes the ranch being turned into what it should be.

The guy who started it is Bob Field. I met him last month at a meeting. He is also
one of the people who is perpetuating the lies about MJ being a child molester.

Now I live here in this town where the ranch is and all I can say is will the fans step up big time and fight for Michael?!
of course the fans will fight for Michael. We have been fighting for him since the 1st allegations came in 93 and will now he needs us more then ever! this moran doesnt know what he's up agaisnt.
I really want it to become a museum. The fans need a place where they can visit Michael forever, that has his spirit in it. It will also contribute to his legacy, I pray it opens up to the public one day.

i agree :)
I think they should just tear it all down to the ground. After the 2005 allegations, Michael loathed the place. He hated it. He left it to never return. The fact that Jermaine wanted Michael buried there and turned into a Graceland still makes me want to vomit.

Tear it down.

It would be better off with a statue of Michael be put in a children's playground in different parts of the world. Something to that effect. He would like that better then anything done for him at Neverland.
At the same time though Michael never let the property fully escape from his hands....

While it's true Michael hated it at the END there were still many many MANY years of happineess and joy that neverland brought.
But in the end - he left it. He hated it. He never came back. And that sentiment is echoed in every member of the Jackson family that isn't interested in cashing in on Mike. Even Latoya, who's a chatter box, said Mike would have hated being buried there, and didn't want anything to do with that place anymore - which is why she and katherine arranged his buriel at Forest Lawns.

It's about the only thing I agree with Latoya.

His happiness at that place died when he was accused for the 2nd time around. His happiness was his kids at that point.
I wonder if turning Neverland into a tourist attraction would ruin it. Could you imagine what it would be like if it were being run as a for-profit museum? It certainly wouldn't be the same experience as when Michael lived there. Of course, if they did turn it into a museum, I would definitely visit.

For those that live in the area or have been to the area - do you think it's even realistic for this to be a tourist attraction? How far is it from a major airport, hotels, restaurants, and the other things tourists need?
I wonder if turning Neverland into a tourist attraction would ruin it. Could you imagine what it would be like if it were being run as a for-profit museum? It certainly wouldn't be the same experience as when Michael lived there. Of course, if they did turn it into a museum, I would definitely visit.

For those that live in the area or have been to the area - do you think it's even realistic for this to be a tourist attraction? How far is it from a major airport, hotels, restaurants, and the other things tourists need?

I wouldn't want it run as a purely for-profit museum. I would much prefer to to be run with charities in mind. So a large percentage of funds raised throughout the year would go to the charities which Michael supported. In an ideal world - a fan with very deep pockets would take hold of Neverland and only employ people who weren't in it for any other reason than their dedication and love for Michael. Not for money or for profits - although everyone needs to support themselves but you get what I mean!
But in the end - he left it. He hated it. He never came back. And that sentiment is echoed in every member of the Jackson family that isn't interested in cashing in on Mike. Even Latoya, who's a chatter box, said Mike would have hated being buried there, and didn't want anything to do with that place anymore - which is why she and katherine arranged his buriel at Forest Lawns.

It's about the only thing I agree with Latoya.

His happiness at that place died when he was accused for the 2nd time around. His happiness was his kids at that point.

Why do you think he always saved it though?
cause there was money to be made from it. and who knows how things might have changed in the years to come
maybe not bc it was run down and the animals needed to be cared for BUT Michael STILL held on to it. If he wanted to be rid if it forever we all know he would have had someone buy it and just never look back. he didnt. he made sure it stayed in his name. he never ever let anyone take it from him. so why still say he hated it and wanted nothing to do with it when he still did everything in his power to save it? The only amount of money that could have been made from it would have been if he sold it to someone eles or have had it auctioned off. He did do eather. he kept it and he did for a reason. Neverland is NOT this horricific place that some ppl seem to think it is just bc some assholes raided it and made it in to a nightmare. What happened was sad and it NEVER should have happened but that was people who did that NOT the property its self. Its still a beautiful place and it needs to stay where it is and be turned in to something for the fans and for michael's family. Michael would want his fans to have something like graceland. he wants his legacy to stay alive and neverland is part of that. tearing down neverland would be tearing down Michael's legacy all together.