Whats everyone getting for Christmas?


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
As i am a lazy teen :D, i'll hopefully get a few games/dvds.

Ive also been hinting at a framed MJ canvas i found in my local Christmas shop. If i get it, i'll post pics.
My mum goes all out on Christmas.

Normally I allways have that one BIG Christmas present. Although this year, I have come to realise that there is nothing else big left for me to get :\

Last year I got a PS3, the year before a Nintendo Wii, Year before I got a portable recording studio, the year before was a PSP, year before was a Portable DVD player and so on and so on.......

This year I have come to realise that I mostly have everything. So I will be getting much more smaller things in its place!

A lot of PS3 games.....mostly video games actually. I cant remember what else I put on my list. My brother is getting a Ipod touch, and my dad is getting a HD projector! Should be a great day.
I'm getting an IPod Touch and my mum is getting me an MJ picture book as a stocking filler. Other presents from other family members I don't know yet.
My mum goes all out on Christmas.

Normally I allways have that one BIG Christmas present. Although this year, I have come to realise that there is nothing else big left for me to get :\

Last year I got a PS3, the year before a Nintendo Wii, Year before I got a portable recording studio, the year before was a PSP, year before was a Portable DVD player and so on and so on.......

This year I have come to realise that I mostly have everything. So I will be getting much more smaller things in its place!

A lot of PS3 games.....mostly video games actually. I cant remember what else I put on my list. My brother is getting a Ipod touch, and my dad is getting a HD projector! Should be a great day.

I have a PS3 aswell!! do you play online?
I have a PS3 too, although it belongs to my younger brother, I've been stealing it recently :p

You're from Southampton MJ_Jordan? I'm off there tomorrow to pick my bro up from Uni!

Cool!! Beware though if you are going into the town centre. Some crazy Christmas shoppers about. Everyone is rushing around :D, luckily i did most of my shopping online.

Anyway, have fun in Southampton :)
I think I'm getting a sugar bowl and creamer set. Boring, right? Well, I guess so but I purchased an apartment a little over a year ago and it has taken me that long to find the perfect one for me (sugar bowl commitment phobia) and my sister is getting it for me for Christmas.

I'm also in the Secret Santa drawing with the rest of my family so I'm either getting a pair of gold coin earrings or a Michael Jackson book (those are the two things I put in my wish list).

That's about it. I'm too old for anything else, lol.