Whats are some of your best & worst moments of 2011? 2011: The Year in Review

Ms.MJ Fan2007

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newark, New Jesery U.S.A
Hello you guys & I'm back form the Christmas & New Years that we're having in during the month of Dec & Jan. So let me tell you two thangs What are some of your best & worst moments of 2011? The best: Was I went to the movies/went to a baseball game/& also went to the picnic. The Worst: It was the hurrciane Ireane :cry: :bugeyed but finaly I made it!

Here some more news that was happeing in the year of 2011.


Steve Jobs named Barbara Walters' "Most Fascinating Person of the Year"
By Chenda Ngak Topics Tech Talk ,Wired for Women .7 Comments
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(CBS) - In a break from the program's history, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was picked as Barbara Walters' "Most Fascinating Person of the Year."

Full coverage of Apple at Tech Talk

The sun sets on a world without Steve Jobs

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dead at 56 - CBS News

Walters began the segment explaining that Jobs had already won the slot when he stepped down as chief executive officer of Apple in August. Jobs died on Oct. 5, so Walters was never able to get the interview.

"Rules were made to be broken, and that's certainly how Jobs lived his life," Walters said.

Instead of a conversation with the fascinating man, Walters' team produced a short retrospective of Jobs, which included footage of the tech luminary through his life and career.

"His last words, his sister said, were 'Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow.' As always, Steve Jobs was seeing something we couldn't. And that makes him the most fascinating person of 2011," Walters' ended the segment.

Read more of some the 2011 year in review: http://www.cbsnews.com/2718-201_162-1399.html
The deaths of three of the most evil people in history: Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il. Definitely a highlight.
I can name a few...

The 10th anniversary of 9/11...Can't say it was the "best" or "worst" memory but it was pretty emotional and powerful with all the ceremonies and tributes.

Feeling an earthquake at home in Brooklyn while I was in bed. Definitely not pleasant or normal...

The capture and death of Bin Laden was huge.

Murray trial/guilty verdict...riveting/awesome.
Well, Worst was...
I had my heart broken by a man that I loved so much and I finally realized he was so vain... People tried to warn me but "love is indeed blind"
The 'disasters' in the world... Floods, quaks, hunger, war :no:
Oh, the 'missing' boy in Bruges... I saw how they 'dragged' his body from the canal... I'm NOT a 'disaster tourist' though... My bus just happened to pass during that monent... I prayed it wasn't him but then the news confirmed it... I still think about whenever the bus whizzes alongside the canal :(

Okay... NOW the BEST part...

On my Birthday, I had a wonderful PM from Gaz... giving me a position as MJJC Resident Writer and even giving me a PRO site to publish my stuff... I read that mail a thousand times... I couldn't believe it at first... After all the :evil: things that happened to me... My ULTIMATE DREAM came true... That made me SHINE again and I'm so PROUD of it :blush:

Oh and the second BEST thing was when they 'chackled' Murray :beee:
That meant CLOSURE for me... I know this won't bring Michael back nor would it stop the pain of missing Michael but I felt we as fans were taking seriously...
It wasn't Michael's fault... Michael was taken TOO SOON from us by a QUACK Doctor...
Best part: Murray's conviction

Worst part: My dad passing away :weeping:
Murray trial was about the only notable thing in 2011. I don't care about anything else. Reckon you could say it was the best and worst moment of 2011--it generated a lot of sadness and anxiety, but it also oddly generated a lot of creativity and humour [especially on Twitter lol]. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience, and definitely a mixed-emotion ride. I shall never forget it.

The rest of the year was sh-t for me. Harry Potter films ended, etc. Nothing good. Just things coming to an end. Also, I never cared about Bin Laden, Gaddafi, etc. In fact, I hear a lot of Libyans miss Gaddafi--couldn't imagine why, but that's what my contacts from there say. -shrugs-

Overall, a sh-t year. Good riddance, I'd say, if it weren't for the trial. As morbid as it sounds, I miss it. I miss the live streams, the coming together with MJ fans all over the world for a cause, the whole thing. Shoot me.
Best: Dr. Murray GUILTY!!!

Worst: Goderich Tornado
For me personally

Best: Visiting Italy :)
Worst: Getting a job and then losing it

I think the Murray trial can classify as both the best and worst moment.
For me

Best : Moving out, going to university, travelling to Germany, Murray finally getting convicted, the death of evils
Worst: Issues with my parents, trouble in my old flat at the start of University, the emotions of the trial
Here's some things that happened it the year 2011

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