What's a good way to start a conversation?

Jan 17, 2004
I'm talking about starting a conversation with a girl that definitely caught my eyes. When it comes to these things in life...i suck at it, big time!!!!! Always has, and probably always will be.

I'll explain a bit and i hope to get some good advice, you'd think things like these are pretty normal and should simply need no 'how to' but i have troubles with it, lol.

My mom's friend has a son, and he has down syndrome, we went to visit him today in the special place where alot of children with a handicap are. For several months now(he gets to visit him every month and i go with him, i am his...driver, lol) i went with him to that place, always nice and good. Today i saw a young lady working there and wow...she was lovely, caught my eyes right away. I have no idea if she's even remotely interested in me though. I think i am....

It's not like i had much of a chance to start a conversation with her, but well you know..maybe next time. I simply am stuck on that part, what is a good way to start a conversation? I mean, she works there, takes care of the children there, i could ask something about that..but in my opinion that could also be alittle too personal and too quick.

I guess in general i'd just like some advice on how to start a conversation, what kind of things to say/ask. In this case it's in the place where she works. But in other cases it could be any other lady that i see outside in the part or you just name it...so therefore this question is not just only because of a nice lady i met today, but in general...basically..how to break the ice (the ice of quietness).

It's definitely been awhile since i've been well..on the lookout for a new girl, or simply trying to meet someone new and maybe get close with after awhile. For a long time i've been giving that whole thing a rest, so i definitely have gotten alittle...rusty, haha.
Ok, I have this idea... Just let me know what you think. :D
Wouldn't it be great to organize an MJ day for those kids? They surely love Michael right? You could ask her about it and that will break the ice! :yes:
For that girl there you could start like "Hi, are you new here?" or something like that. And then ask about her work and see how it goes. Maybe you can also say that you admire people like her that they work with people with handicaps etc. Along the way maybe tell something about yourself.

For random girls on the street or something you can say something about the situation like "don't you just love the sun aswell?" if it's sunny or something like that.

As for myself I don't like to obivious pick up lines like "ohh you look good, have beautiful eyes etc."

Ohh and don't ask if she has a boyfriend right away.. maybe it's better to just consentrate on friendship with the girl and then maybe a step futher.
Sorry for the late response people, kinda didn't had the time. Thanks for the replies. Today i went to that place again with my mom's friend, simply to decorate his son's room a bit, and i saw that girl again today...i simply can't seem to get her out of my head. And i have a feeling that she's interested in me as well, judging by the way she looks at me. Then again, last year i had the same thing with a girl that was working in a supermarket and i thought exactly the same..it turned out she was already seeing someone but she did like my note that i had written though, lol.

But anyway, i know for myself when i am really interested in a girl. Daily i see girls walking outside, in supermarkets etc..that are good looking and that's all fine. But when i see a girl and i get this weird feeling inside of me, feeling real nervous and well you know....i just know that i have seen someone special. Today she talked abit to my mom's friend about his son, and i noticed that she looked at me a few times while talking to him...so i have the feeling that she might be interested in me as well. But i'm aware...that the guy should break the ice, start the conversation, or anything like that :).

But at this thing in life..i am really chicken*****, lol. I kinda have difficulties with being myself when it's with other people around me, it's like years ago, when i asked a girl on a date by phone. And then by walking and talking getting to know eachother, it was very nice and worked perfectly for me, i noticed that i am 100% myself then. The plan about that MJ day sounds nice, but i am not sure they really like it, actually alot of the kids there dig the typical Dutch music we have here, it's a nice idea, but don't think it's gonna work, or if i even can get it to work..i mean...i don't really have a ' relationship' with the people from that place, most of the time i just come along with my mom's friend , i drive him over there, and i'm just present there, that's all :)

Asking her about her work is a good idea yeah, a friend also said things like 'So do you like it , working here?' or ' so for how long have you been doing this now?' . Or to get her name again...simlpy say ' What was your name again?' . All of those are definitely a sign of interest of me towards her. I also told my mom's friend about this, and he said he can probably get her name. He'll just call tomorrow and ask about his son, and then simply asks what her name was again. He also told me he might arrange a reason for me to go visit the place again soon...so that i have a chance to ask the girl out for a drink or just a conversation maybe. I really do need to find out if the interest comes from both sides....cause like with the girl last year, it was fun. And it was cool to hear from her that it was sweet of me..in the end, it didn't work out. And i had done alot of things, like going to the supermarket everyday,simply to see if she was there, while at the end of the day...a simple note (which i eventually did) had been enough. :)
What's a good way to start a conversation?

Hahahaha, true true. But from there i have to come up with some good questions, things that i really mean. I think a good idea is to simply wait for the next time we go there, which is this month. And when my mom's friend goes to see his son(which is upstairs in that building) i'll just stay downstairs and sit down, and ask the girl a few questions, simply questions out of interest, like...so you like it,working here? Since i really do admire people who really take care of children that need the help, i could compliment her on that. I could say a few things about myself, that i am considering about starting with a course for health-care, etc...

I believe if she's interested in me as well, she'll be more than happy to answer those questions, and a female friend of mine told me...you'll also notice that by body language and the way she looks at you when answering those questions. And sure...i can do it like with my previous girlfriend...calling her up at her work and asking her out, but i think it's better to have a small conversation first. I also need to be original, lol.
I don't wanna really put you off but to be honest, if someone had called me up at work and asked me out I would be freaked out more than anything. Plus she may have a boyfriend? Which could get awkward. If you really like her, I would say just casually talk to her each time you go and get to know her over time. Yeah it'll take a while but I don't know how else you could go about it.
I don't wanna really put you off but to be honest, if someone had called me up at work and asked me out I would be freaked out more than anything. Plus she may have a boyfriend? Which could get awkward. If you really like her, I would say just casually talk to her each time you go and get to know her over time. Yeah it'll take a while but I don't know how else you could go about it.

I agree with this..:)
Go up to her and say...



She'll probably call you a freak and tell you to stay away, but that's a good sign. You then need to chase after her and thrust your crotch in her general direction, women love that.
Go up to her and say...



She'll probably call you a freak and tell you to stay away, but that's a good sign. You then need to chase after her and thrust your crotch in her general direction, women love that.


Let us know how it goes! :ninja:
Go up to her and say...



She'll probably call you a freak and tell you to stay away, but that's a good sign. You then need to chase after her and thrust your crotch in her general direction, women love that.

Hhahaahah, this brought a huge smile on my face, this is hilarious, awesome! When i was still young, and always trying to dance like my hero, this could have worked. But i'm not like that anymore. As for StaceyMJ, i know, some might find it weird but also plenty liked that idea. A female friend of my mom almost melted when she heard that i got my first girlfriend this way, 4 years ago or so, and my girlfriend liked it alot as well.

But i don't want to though,it's a possibility , but nah. Another friend simply said..dude, just next time when you see her, simply walk up to her , be confident and ask if she'd like to have a drink with you.At the end of the day this is your goal, you really would like to take her out and have a drink.
Straight to the point, no talking or whatsoever, you either get a yes or a no, which is...well, true. I'll see , next time :)