What would you name your first son/daughter?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Recently i've been thinking about having Kids when i'm slightly older i'm gay so its inpossible to be a Bioglaical father to my son so theres always adoption ^_^ anyway the point of this thread is what would you name your first son/daughter for me my son would be calle Damien and my Daughter called Laura
Son: Michael

Daughter: Destiny

this is what I THINK we'll do
Mithunda Gurmail Chakradevdas Ravindranarathon Singh.
I once had a phase when I actually considered to name my then daughter 'Speechless' :blink:
Well I know that I am never going to have any kids. But if I did I will probably name my first born daughter either:

Michaela Jasmine/Jazmyn (That has always been one of my most favorite girl names.)

Or I will name her after my favorite galaxy in the universe Andromeda Galaxy. One of my favorite names site that I like to use for my Sims 2 game. Is an unusal names site. And in that site under the nature gallery Galaxy can be use as a girl's name. Andromeda is the name of the princess that the Greek hero Perseus had married after he had saved her from being eaten by a sea monster. That has always been one of my favorite Greek mythology stories.

For a first born boy I will definitely name him Michael Joseph Jackson.
probably Nit and Twit :yes: ...cause undoubtedly they will be :p

I was thinking maybe I could watch Sesame street on the day and see what the letter of the day was and find a name that had the same amount of letters as the number of the day :yes: ... but that might be getting too technical :trish:

I might just stick with "first born" and "second born" :yes:

ok so I haven't given it much thought :p
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I have had the name for my first son for years now and it's something that is not negotiable :D The name will be Jesse Joonatan Mikael (which in english is Jesse Jonathan Michael) Though I haven't decided will it be like that or then Jesse-Joonatan Mikael, because my first two names are with hyphen too... Mikael was my father's second name, so that comes from there. For a girl I don't have a name yet, but I think it will start with "J" too, so they would match together :)
If I had a boy, I would name him Peter, and if it was a girl, Amanda or Stephanie.
Thriller, if you want to have a biological child, you can. Obviously it will require help but my first three kids are indeed mine.

Jeremy Douglas ... J.D. = James Dean :) shoulda just gone for James Dean but at least I got the Initials ;)

Brianna Rochelle ... no real symbolism, it sounded nice together :yes:
If i had a girl i'd name her either Jessica or Rebecca. Can't think of any boys names right now
Boy: Cameron (after my favourite NHL legend "Cam Neely)
Girl: Hinata (I don't care if it's not a real I use that name if I want.)
I have had the name for my first son for years now and it's something that is not negotiable :D The name will be Jesse Joonatan Mikael (which in english is Jesse Jonathan Michael) Though I haven't decided will it be like that or then Jesse-Joonatan Mikael, because my first two names are with hyphen too... Mikael was my father's second name, so that comes from there. For a girl I don't have a name yet, but I think it will start with "J" too, so they would match together :)
Aww that's cute name :)
I have always liked Joonatan too and Benjamin is another option..

I haven't really thought about girls' names.
Omg :lol: there will be lots of Michael's in the future.

And about my kids, Idk, haven't thought about that..