What would you do to find more friends


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
UK, England
Hi there

How would go about meeting people your own age and like mindedness?

I always seem to be alone a lot of the time.

I am a part time bar tender, and then I study from home doing distance learning courses.
I like going down the 2 pubs in my village, but I have decided to give up drinking for 2 months as it was making me a bit crazy, and im kinda bored of the pubs anyway to be honest.

So any suggestions?

Many thanks
Go watch a movie, some sport event, throw a party, play some beer-pong, go fishing... I dunno, just go and do stuff!
Since you're working as a bar tender, I guess there's no point in asking you to go out more. But what you said about drinking... I usually just drink water when I go out, you don't have to drink to party :)

I don't know... try using the Internet, maybe. Some dating sites can be used for finding new friends as well. And don't worry so much about the age thing, if you're only allowing people your own age into your life, you might miss out on a lot of cool people... I'm 35, and my friends are between the ages of 21 and 83.
Well for starters, I'd get off the computer. ;)
Almost all my friends are online, and most of the time I'm all alone using mind-altering substances, so I have little need of what you call friends since I don't share your reality anyway. I'd recommend visiting sites where you're likely to meet people of similar mind.
Well, i do not know if the following piece of advice is worth reading since you seem to be a very busy person but i'll write it regardless. In my opinion, sport is a good way to socialize. If i were you, i'd choose a sport and find a good place where i could practise it. How about martial arts ? It would be very useful and you'd meet people. I'll do that myself whenever i can. :)
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^^Exactly. Or try taking a cooking class or something. It's fun and you'll surely meet new people. :)
Had you thought of 'volunteering', doing something that interests you? eg if you like the outdoors, the National Trust has lots of volunteer opportunities , involving anything from history to conservation. All ages volunteer, especially for the more active occupations, and I've heard that it is a lot of fun...and volunteering can be done eg for a short 'holiday', and not necessarily over a long period of time, if you can't make that commitment.
Mostly online like deviantArt and forums and penpals. I was never socially happy in life, but virtually I'm happy to have friends online.
Severus Snape: I know how you feel. I am a bit of a loner. I have more friends in spirit than on earth.
My true friend is none other than God. He/She never ever lets you down and loves you no matter
what. I need to be around like-minded people.
thank you all for your replies.

I am actually in a cycling club which is my favorite sport, but most people on there seem to be married men over the age of 30.
I am starting a course in archery tomorrow night and then I have set something up with a friend (about the only one I have left lol) to go swimming with her once a week starting this friday :)
Severus Snape: I know how you feel. I am a bit of a loner. I have more friends in spirit than on earth.
My true friend is none other than God. He/She never ever lets you down and loves you no matter
what. I need to be around like-minded people.

My true friends are chemicals. Anyway, my online friends are the most absolutely amazing people in the whole world. Real-life friends have been largely hit and miss.
Hi there

How would go about meeting people your own age and like mindedness?

I always seem to be alone a lot of the time.

I am a part time bar tender, and then I study from home doing distance learning courses.
I like going down the 2 pubs in my village, but I have decided to give up drinking for 2 months as it was making me a bit crazy, and im kinda bored of the pubs anyway to be honest.

So any suggestions?

Many thanks
My best tip for you is to not search for friends, you'll end up in a wrong crown in the end and it will only do bad things to you. I've learned from my own experience is to be careful to who you become friends with... If you feel you want to have friends or have less friends, that's ok... It's ok to just have 1 or 2 friends... After so many years of brooding and thinking "why don't I have so many friends?" I come to realize, you feel better knowing there are a few ones that stand by your side instead of having 20 or 50 friends that just call you when they're bored or wanna party or want to hear rumors. Don't go out and search for friends, let them find you.

Let them see what kind of person YOU are and inspect and explore the ones that you let in, don't be too trustworthy instantly cause they will bite you in the ass when you least expect it. Trust me on this I KNOW what I am talking about... and it was BAD!
Oh also, I forgot to add... I hate most people my age. Everyone who has betrayed me has been around my age, and met IRL. I largely prefer my Internet friends, especially my older Internet friends.
Friends hey??? Well, as said you can join courses or a sport class but I AGREE with His Confessions...

REAL friends are so HARD to find and when you THINK you can TRUST them... They just stab you in the back... I'm exactly DONE with 'friends' you meet in the BIG BAD world though and rather have my on line friends and I don't care if you guys live in places that I could never visit... You're my Family :heart:
Friends hey??? Well, as said you can join courses or a sport class but I AGREE with His Confessions...

REAL friends are so HARD to find and when you THINK you can TRUST them... They just stab you in the back... I'm exactly DONE with 'friends' you meet in the BIG BAD world though and rather have my on line friends and I don't care if you guys live in places that I could never visit... You're my Family :heart:

THIS. F--k people IRL. Set 'em all on fiah. v_v
I see friends being overrated in today's society, I mean think about it... especially if you live in a small city where everybody knows each other, it's so hard to find someone which are not related to a person that you personally don't have good bounds to.

In my town, if you've met one person he or she are probably gonna ask a follow up question such as "do you know he or she..." or "I met you before at he or she's place" and for goodness sake, all the incredible bad-mouthing you keep on coming cross too... *shakes* head I agree with Daryll... if you were about to have internet friends then you'll feel a little bit safer(?) then in the "real-life" world
Most advices were already given I think... visiting some courses of your interest would make you meet other ppl with the same interest.
Sports is good, maybe try getting into a team sport.
Volunteering is a good thing also, ppl usually share some passion in common then somehow. What can also work is getting a dog (maybe one of a friend) and go out with it... will make you meet other dog owners out there most likely... maybe go to the same park and usually the same time and so on.
Try to find ppl studying the same as you do and get into learning/chatting groups about subjects.
Don't be shy, join some real ppl in some real groups... get away from the computer.