What would be your last thought?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A nice filthy cemertery
It's mainly what your last thought would be before you die.
I got the idea from watching the first season of Dead Like Me the other night.

Alright now, this is how we play.
Someone posts how your gonna die, then you post what your last thought would be if you died that way then post a death for the next person.

Person 1:
Death: Drowning

Person 2:
Thought: it's cold
Death: Car crash

and so on....

Lets make this as funny and random as possible

I'll start:

Death: Hit by a truck
Death: Peaceful death while asleep

My thoughts:

"Is this a dream? Am I dead? Why are all of my deceased family members and loved ones in this dream with me? And why is Michael standing at the top of the stairs in front of that clock? Is he waiting for someone? Is he waiting for me, perhaps?"

*Family members rejoice and celebrate my homecoming, and Michael looks down at me and smiles. He looks so handsome, I cannot believe my eyes. I walk over to the staircase and begin to walk up the stairs as Michael lets out his hand to "welcome me home"... the most beautiful smile on his face I had ever seen. I continue up the stairs and I take his hand. We stand face to face, the silliest grins on our faces, and hold eachother like we missed eachother so much, and were waiting so long for the other to return. We share a soft kiss , very tender and, loving, and sweet... all the while everybody downstairs is looking up at us, clapping and beaming with joy. The instrumental to "My Heart Will Go On" is playing in the background the whole time*

:heart: Yes... this is the the Titanic ending between Jack and Rose (lol)... and I've already asked God if I could experience something very, very similar when I die in this lifetime. I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say? :angel: