What was with Michael's dancing in This is it?

First of all, it was REHEARSAL! Have you seen Dangerous rehearsals?? In 1992 rehearsals he is standing almost all the time. In This Is It he did pretty good :) (although it's pity he didn't do ''real'' moonwalk:()
Mike never goes out full within rehearsals, and to be completely honest the arm and body waves were pretty bada*s.
And one more thing, he was 50 years old when he did that. I was thinking the whole time that I can't believe he's moving like that for his age!! It wont me like when he was 20-30. I think about people in my family that are 50 and older, there is no way they could even do one of those step at that age...
He said numerous times that he have to save his voice for concert and he doesn't want to sing in full voice. That's the same with dancing. I bet if we would have seen concert (TII tour), it would be truly awesome! :D
As everyone's already said, it was rehearsals. That and he was definitely heading towards a more robotic feel with his dancing, as we got a glimpse of in the HIStory tour. I love it, it really suited his thinner frame and his age. He was breaking out some crumping during Billie Jean as well!
Well, even though it was just a rehersal and Michael definetely wasn't laying himself out, sometimes his dancing did look a bit odd

I believe it's because he hadn't thought the moves off as much as he did before, so he was just interpreting the music as he felt it. And considering what he went through in 2000s, his little oddities are understandable.
So I hope you're not blaming Michael for this :)
I think he danced a lot more (and better) in TII than DWT rehearsals.

TII would have been soo amazing.
He was 50 and it was rehearsals,surely that counts for something?
I noticed that the dancers behind him had choreographed routines down to point of 'breathe now', while he seemed to have lot more leeway. And during 'Jam' or 'Wanna be startin' something' it looked like he was just going with it. (except for the old choreography). I'd like to see any random 50 year old pull just half the moves of 'Jam'- it would be beyond pitiful.

And the redone 'Billie Jean', even in the places where he's clearly improvising- if I only dance once like that in my life, I'd consider that a success.

The rest, as many said- it's called 'rehearsal'. He was not the 30 year old of the Dangerous Tour- but holy cow, I'd love to be able to move like that at 50. The thing about him is that he has his own style, no matter what he does, slapping the penguin :wild:, or whatever other nerdy move.

Somehow Michael literally dances EVERY note, even those that most don't hear, that is why I love watching him so much. When I see him dance, it's as if he's explaining to me every note that is there and that should be there. When I watch him move, I can't help but feel that detail, it's almost too much sometimes.
I thought that was the incredible part about Billie Jean- you have one rhythm in the bass, but the rest of his body fills in the other 5 rhythms that you can fit into the bassline mathematically, I don't know how else to explain that.
If '6' is the bassline, than 2+2+2 is the way Michael dances a '6', while making sure to even break up the '2' with his arms. Love it. It's infectious.
I noticed that the dancers behind him had choreographed routines down to point of 'breathe now', while he seemed to have lot more leeway. And during 'Jam' or 'Wanna be startin' something' it looked like he was just going with it. (except for the old choreography). I'd like to see any random 50 year old pull just half the moves of 'Jam'- it would be beyond pitiful.

And the redone 'Billie Jean', even in the places where he's clearly improvising- if I only dance once like that in my life, I'd consider that a success.

The rest, as many said- it's called 'rehearsal'. He was not the 30 year old of the Dangerous Tour- but holy cow, I'd love to be able to move like that at 50. The thing about him is that he has his own style, no matter what he does, slapping the penguin :wild:, or whatever other nerdy move.

Somehow Michael literally dances EVERY note, even those that most don't hear, that is why I love watching him so much. When I see him dance, it's as if he's explaining to me every note that is there and that should be there. When I watch him move, I can't help but feel that detail, it's almost too much sometimes.
I thought that was the incredible part about Billie Jean- you have one rhythm in the bass, but the rest of his body fills in the other 5 rhythms that you can fit into the bassline mathematically, I don't know how else to explain that.
If '6' is the bassline, than 2+2+2 is the way Michael dances a '6', while making sure to even break up the '2' with his arms. Love it. It's infectious.

While watching him dancing I feel the need to hold my breath and don't even blink to not miss a single move he makes.
We didn´t get his best dance rehearsals.
They say Michael was awesome his 2 last rehearsals , he really got IT, but we didn´t get it..
We got Earth Song and part of Thriller.
Themovie This is it wasn´t meant to be another concertmovie and I love to see how Michael was working with the show.
But I would love to see the rehearsals from the last days one day,both song,dance and talk
Oh man, I love some TII moves.
But as many mentioned, they're just rehearsals: It's normal to skip some stuff, improvise and save ones energy. Otherwise you would be exhausted after 1hour, with your rehearsals lasting 8+.
But just look at the Billie Jean moves, or MJs dancing at the Threatened part after Thriller. Awesome!
Michael holds back during rehearsals. Just go and look and the Dangerous Tour rehearsals and that shows that MJ was holding back even then. Age had nothing to do with it in This Is It
This thread saddens me to no end.

We are left with only regrets and sorrow.....desires and dreams that will be never fulfilled...will never turn into reality.:cry:
Hm, it's true, age doesn't have anything to do with it in the sense that no dancer on any stage should give people reason to even think about their age. Ageless dancing. Eternal.

That's the appeal that ruled the greats from Astaire, to Pawlova, to Nurejew and to Michael. The agelessness on stage. Michael became that to me, especially in TII. I watch him in the TII Billie Jean and he very much does not have an age to me. Time is relative, so is age. He's ageless. I'm sure his body felt much different to him than that description, but oh well.
Michael was an innovator, he always wanted to do something that bit different and I think he wanted to bring a fresh approach with a lot of what he was doing in TII. I think he's amazing, I really do. I remember seeing the film at the cinema and when he broke out those Billie Jean moves, my jaw was on the floor! He's timeless, ageless and I'm so grateful for all the incredible work he left for us to enjoy.
Yes he was older. However, since age comes gradually (not all at once), he was comfortable with his body and like any master of their craft (88 year old kung fu master Ip man is living proof), he knew how to not only conserve but control the energy he projected throughout his body. He knew how far he could go, and I think he wanted to save that for the real thing.
I loved watching him rehearse especially the smooth criminal part. I really thought he danced the most in that part. I have to say it still hard for me to watch This is It. I watch other things of Michael but with this I feel like it's harder on me. If you think about it, it was a long time Michael was on stage rehearsing and you could feel him getting stronger when you watch. I believe his last rehearsals were great. I wish he could have done one show. it would have been amazing.
Watch the choreography in TWYMMF, Beat It and partly Thriller. Also, some of the moves during the second half of Billie Jean are just jaw-dropping.

He had it, still. Less energy than before, but the elegance was more present than ever.