What was up with Latoya...back in the day?

Jan 17, 2004
Just now i was discussing this with a friend, just alot about MJ...and eventually we got to his sister Latoya...what got her to say those crazy things about her blood-own brother? Correct me if i'm wrong...but didn't she say he was a pedophile and saw weird things?

And much later she said all of this was nonsense...if possible, i really would like some explanation on this. Cause how can anything she says from now on...be believeable?
Of what Ive read.. yes Latoya made a public statement in Tel Aviv, saying her brother was a molester, she also wrote a book about her family and claiming all the siblings were abused.

However, it turned out she were living in a abusive relationsship. She basically fled from her husband and divorced him. Then she came forward and said that he made her to say all those things.
Cause how can anything she says from now on...be believeable?

it can't.

i never quiet understood it myselfe.
she said her ex husband and then manager made her read those comments.
but what in the world would you make do something like THIS (!!!!!!!!) to your own brother??
i don't get it.
From what I understand, at that point she was estranged from her family and under the influence of an abusive husband. Go figure. I always thought of her as very flaky, naive and impressionable who thrives off attention and sensationalism. Everything she says, I consider while bearing in mind the aforementioned characteristics.
nobody can MAKE you turn on your flesh and blood like that.

shes always struck me as the *crazy* one
I always thought of her as very flaky, naive and impressionable who thrives off attention and sensationalism. Everything she says, I consider while bearing in mind the aforementioned characteristics.

yup i agree
Just now i was discussing this with a friend, just alot about MJ...and eventually we got to his sister Latoya...what got her to say those crazy things about her blood-own brother? Correct me if i'm wrong...but didn't she say he was a pedophile and saw weird things?

And much later she said all of this was nonsense...if possible, i really would like some explanation on this. Cause how can anything she says from now on...be believeable?
She said those things while being married to Jack Gordon. He started out as her manager, then somehow managed to marry her. She was promoting her book when the allegations broke and to 'spice' up her story, she started saying all of this garbage about her and Rebbie being sexually abused and that MJ was abusing young boys. None of that stuff was in her book and I think when she went on Oprah to discuss it, she asked her why she didn't include this stuff in the book.

Jack Gordon virtually pimped out a sheltered, over-protected woman, then in her 30's who was still living at home with her parents. I kinda fault Joe Jackson for this because he turned Latoya over to Gordon to be managed, but one look at him and it would have been over my dead body that he could have anything to do with her.

Jack moved Latoya to Europe somewhere and after he had pimped her dry -- meaning that he made as much money off of her that he could, he started beating her and keeping her captive. In a moment when Gordon had left, Latoya stated that he called her brothers in America and a couple of them came to Europe and escorted her back to America, and yes -- one of the tabloids -- I think it was the National Enquirer, had pictures of her with double black eyes.

So I wasn't all too sympathethic when Gordon passed away.
I will say also that Gordon actually bragged about have himself 'a Jackson' and that he had 'his Jackson' and that someone else better 'snap up Janet'...

He was a sick fukkkkk.
Ok, so she did say those crazy things to the tabloids, but it was never written in the book? That Gordon guy just forced her to say those things, but didn't force her to put it in her book? Crazy stuff for real.

I do remember her on TV (dutch tv,program was Jensen) where she talked about MJ and she was nothing but supportive of him when talking about him.
None of that stuff was in her book and I think when she went on Oprah to discuss it, she asked her why she didn't include this stuff in the book.

And what did she answer? All I know is that she loved Michael and that he loved her back. And I always found her name so beautiful, I want to name my daughter that if I ever have one.
latoya was hot in the late 1990s......theres a clip of her waving to the camera at one of MJs bad tour tokyo.....i think its in the Japan 87 docu....she looked good that time.
She mentioned during her time on Celebrity Big Brother about her abusive relationship that she shared with her husband. She was forced to marry him and he beat her many'a times.
I hated LaToya with a passion for years. And when the stories started to come out that she was forced to say those things and that it was her husband who basicaly held a knife at her to do it or else... I stil found it hard to believe.. but I haven't experienced or seen such abuse so it took me time and I studied some cases of spousal abuse and what women have been through with agressive husbands.. and I started to understand LaToya. I saw some interverviews that she gave some years ago and realized that she had been a weak and naive person and uneducated about real life. So I thought ok, it was Gordon who was the bad guy and LaToya was the victim. And then I saw a picture of Mike & the kids and Toy together, Mike had forgiven her so why should I hate her.
She's still not my favorite Jackson but I wish her the best.
She said those things while being married to Jack Gordon. He started out as her manager, then somehow managed to marry her. She was promoting her book when the allegations broke and to 'spice' up her story, she started saying all of this garbage about her and Rebbie being sexually abused and that MJ was abusing young boys. None of that stuff was in her book and I think when she went on Oprah to discuss it, she asked her why she didn't include this stuff in the book.

Jack Gordon virtually pimped out a sheltered, over-protected woman, then in her 30's who was still living at home with her parents. I kinda fault Joe Jackson for this because he turned Latoya over to Gordon to be managed, but one look at him and it would have been over my dead body that he could have anything to do with her.

Jack moved Latoya to Europe somewhere and after he had pimped her dry -- meaning that he made as much money off of her that he could, he started beating her and keeping her captive. In a moment when Gordon had left, Latoya stated that he called her brothers in America and a couple of them came to Europe and escorted her back to America, and yes -- one of the tabloids -- I think it was the National Enquirer, had pictures of her with double black eyes.

So I wasn't all too sympathethic when Gordon passed away.

I will say also that Gordon actually bragged about have himself 'a Jackson' and that he had 'his Jackson' and that someone else better 'snap up Janet'...

He was a sick fukkkkk.

All what Mello said! :better:
She didn't really look that convincing neither when saying it to the press in that video.
She really does seem like a very friendly and down to earth person.