What was the response when you went to work/college/school/other


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I had to go back to work today for the first time since michaels passing and i was dreading it.
I felt sick with nerves before i got there,i work at a care home and there are many staff.

I received a lot of different responses most were sympathetic,but some were just down right mean,one person said to me''whats wrong with you'' so i told her and she told me i should ''get over it and find a new idol'',I said that was not possible! it was really hard not to walk out and go home but i stuck to it,coz i have to.

I just wondered how others fans have coped!?
I havn't yet fortunately, im on my summer break from university and i havnt found a summer job yet so i've just spend the past few days alone with my thoughts
all my coworkers were telling me how sorry they were about MJ passing. they were like we know how much u love him and were looking fwd to his concert.. then they asked if i was going to LA for the service
I didnt go, I cant take people talking about it for the first time. So im going tomorrow when people will have already talked about it :)
all the closet MJ lovers came out in my office...there were sobbing on Thurs and now stories of their memories...

who knew
all my coworkers were telling me how sorry they were about MJ passing. they were like we know how much u love him and were looking fwd to his concert.. then they asked if i was going to LA for the service

Sounds like you work with some really nice people,ive only been in my job for 6 months so some staff dont know me very well,but the ones who do really cared!!
i Sms'd some persons! cuz i wanted them to say "didn't you hear? it was a Joke" but unfortionately No one did, Friends sms'd me from old jobs i had 8 years ago! i sent a message to my manager, i told her not to let anyone mention Michael when i arrive at work, or let the TV on Michael's Music *she did and i want to thank her with all my heart, she is such a very good friend* cuz an idiot was gonna make a joke out of it. when i went inside the building! i heard *the way you make me feel* so i ran upstairs to the toilet and locked myself in, i was ahsamed after, my eyes were sooooooo red, i was shy to go downstairs and face my friend. But in all everyone was very supportive to me! i love them... i never had such gr8 friends/workmates. I would like to thank everyone!