What was Michael Jackson personality like?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do think Michael Jackson personality was really like? We know he was childlike but how do you think it was like? What would a day with him be like?
Hmm i think he is very smart and intelligent but at the same time doesn't take things too seriously depending on the subject, he seems very laid back aswell
What do think Michael Jackson personality was really like? We know he was childlike but how do you think it was like? What would a day with him be like?

Here's what I think...I think that he was shy, but knew what he wanted. I think he was well aware of artists out there - both famous and not-so-famous. I think he had a keen intellectual mind, and could probably carry on a deep conversation with someone if he was in the right frame of mind. I also think that one side of him was shy, but there was this other side - the devilish side - that loved women.

I think the man sometimes was just restless. He was very hyperactive, and couldn't slow down sometimes. I also think his mind was always active - he was thinking of music and songs all the time. But he also loved to have fun...

I also think that he wasn't afraid to tell others just where to go and how to get there!! LOL!
Good post, Linda C781. No one has been able to definitively pin down Michael's personality. That's why there's such a mystique about him. He only shared those parts with the public he thought were advantageous to his image.

I find it interesting that Lisa Marie revealed he spoke normally and even cussed when they were together.
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He was shy to the public, and to a certain extent to those around him. Among th ose in his circle it was less shyness and more ' beibg wary of'. He knew who he could trust. He had a wicked sinse of humour. he was kind to those he loved but could sometimes selfish, just as anyone can be. he knew what he wanted and how to get it, he was very strong willed but knew the dangers of appearing to be to agressive in his approach. If you were down or having a hard time, he had an effortless knack for saying the right things to cheer you up. He knew how to push peoples buttons and piss them off, but he never used it to his advantage, he could be seriously annoying if he was feeling playful. He NEVER did anything to intentionally hurt someone, but he knew how to bite back. He wasnt a saint, but he was the damn nearest thing you could have asked for.
oh, and although he had a child-like side, he was also an adult...and understood the importance of it.
I once heard him say to someone, in a video somewhere ( can't remember which one) "oh sorry did that sound too controlling ?" It made me laugh and I think he wanted to be in control, in the creative process, but not too controlling. There would be room for other's people input but in the end he felt responsible for all facets, however small they may be. A perfectionist.
A great sense of humor. Very competitive. Full of contradictions: very serious and very playful, loving attention yet lonely.
Very smart in business. Intelligent. Well-mannered. Spiritual, caring, gentle.
Taking nothing for granted. Inquisitive, eager to learn and have new experiences, meet new people. unique and original.
Overly critical of himself. Loving others more than himself.

In short: never boring!
he was very spiritual especially during the trial
i think when he got to age 40 + he turned into a more controlling and dominating person, didnt want to be told what to do
He was shy to the public, and to a certain extent to those around him. Among th ose in his circle it was less shyness and more ' beibg wary of'. He knew who he could trust. He had a wicked sinse of humour. he was kind to those he loved but could sometimes selfish, just as anyone can be. he knew what he wanted and how to get it, he was very strong willed but knew the dangers of appearing to be to agressive in his approach. If you were down or having a hard time, he had an effortless knack for saying the right things to cheer you up. He knew how to push peoples buttons and piss them off, but he never used it to his advantage, he could be seriously annoying if he was feeling playful. He NEVER did anything to intentionally hurt someone, but he knew how to bite back. He wasnt a saint, but he was the damn nearest thing you could have asked for.

I agree!!
I think the impossible description..."Michael was this" or "Michael was that" - that is precisely what keeps people mesmerised and wanting to discover more and more of him. There's a mystery to Michael, and he is seen through so many eyes... at the end it's so difficult to say. Even those who got really close to him, their testimonies are sometimes contradictory... he seems contradictory.
It's like a new and different side of him every day...

Well one thing for sure, he was NEVER boring... :cheeky:
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He was shy to the public, and to a certain extent to those around him. Among those in his circle it was less shyness and more ' beibg wary of'. He knew who he could trust. He had a wicked sinse of humour. he was kind to those he loved but could sometimes selfish, just as anyone can be. he knew what he wanted and how to get it, he was very strong willed but knew the dangers of appearing to be to agressive in his approach. If you were down or having a hard time, he had an effortless knack for saying the right things to cheer you up. He knew how to push peoples buttons and piss them off, but he never used it to his advantage, he could be seriously annoying if he was feeling playful. He NEVER did anything to intentionally hurt someone, but he knew how to bite back. He wasnt a saint, but he was the damn nearest thing you could have asked for.

oh, and although he had a child-like side, he was also an adult...and understood the importance of it.

Its nice to hear this from someone who would actually know.
"He wasnt a saint, but he was the damn nearest thing you could have asked for."

- this should be quoted.
Michael was a superstar, he is well known around the world, he has all the glamour all the riches and fame that no ones ever achieved before. But still Michael was down to earth, humurous and found pleasure in life`s little things. He was very well mannered, quite disciplined i must say. And very spiritual. I heard him say "pardon me" in a video. Who says pardon me these days..lol. In the end i would that Michael was a lover.
Michael was a superstar, he is well known around the world, he has all the glamour all the riches and fame that no ones ever achieved before. But still Michael was down to earth, humurous and found pleasure in life`s little things. He was very well mannered, quite disciplined i must say. And very spiritual. I heard him say "pardon me" in a video. Who says pardon me these days..lol. In the end i would that Michael was a lover.

Another one to quote.

And yes, he was indeed a GENTLEMAN. Had he been British , he would have been Sir Michael Jackson.