What was Michael Jackson inner youth secert?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I mean he was 50 but acted younger and talked younger and made you think he was younger then 50? He was into cool stuff and loved things most people his age would not be into. Waterballon fights .. Climbing his giving tree. Supersoaker gun fights. Puppets shows magic shows I could go on and on. So how did he do it?
I mean he was 50 but acted younger and talked younger and made you think he was younger then 50? He was into cool stuff and loved things most people his age would not be into. Waterballon fights .. Climbing his giving tree. Supersoaker gun fights. Puppets shows magic shows I could go on and on. So how did he do it?


That's all I can say.
hey i never had a so called child hood eather becuse i was very sick when i was a kid and i still do stuff as a kid do ( i love to go down slides when no one is looking ) i love supper sokers too and being a kid even tho im 25 and that why i married my husband becusei dont have to act my age arund him we are both littel kids at heart lol
hey i never had a so called child hood eather becuse i was very sick when i was a kid and i still do stuff as a kid do ( i love to go down slides when no one is looking ) i love supper sokers too and being a kid even tho im 25 and that why i married my husband becusei dont have to act my age arund him we are both littel kids at heart lol

for got to mention me and my husband have all the time tickle contest it so funny you should see us it last about 1 0r 2 hours just Prue lafter to the point that we start getting terrie eyes
There's no secret to it. You just appreciate the little things in life. I've always felt younger than my age myself, it's just how I've always been. To this day I still don't feel like an adult and I don't think I ever will. I'd never want to give up that childlike feeling. I embrace it.
Well iam 30 I don't feel my age. I feel like a kid at times. I don't know or can't say what age I feel inside of me but I feel younger. My body is aging but how I feel or think it's diff.
I go down water slides. Spongebob cartoon I love it because he is so silly. It makes me laugh. I wrestle with my kids in the floor. They love it. They say mom you are funny. Everyone should keep some innocence inside.
It was God :)
Michael himself said so.
he quoted the Bible how one should keep
an innocent child like heart and he used the
precepts taught in the Bible to do just that.
The Bible is what teaches people to be like
Jesus who MJ followed. Michael kind loving
forgiving generous long suffering patient
humble etc etc .. it kept him innocent
Godlike in his heart
he was just very, very playful and he encouraged and allowed that side of him to come forth as he grew older. he knew that was the only way he could survive the cruelty of the world around him and the hand that was dealt him.

I am very playful, but I don't show that side to people I don't trust. Michael, I think, trusted people instinctively. hence he showed that side of himself to most people he met. and then most of them broke his trust, at which point, he cut them out of his life.

he was a trusting soul. childlike and godlike. hence why he had to leave us so early. those kinds of people do what they have to do... what they are here to do. once that is accomplished, they're free to leave. I only wish he'd had had more days on this earth to be with his children whom he loved so much and vice versa.

also, while I know that this film (This Is It) has been dedicated to his children, I think Michael -- in his heart -- also dedicated this film to his fans. I think he knew we have given him unconditional love. he knew that even more during and after the 2005 trial. he knew how much love we had for him and he knows now how much love is pouring forth for him.
I mean he was 50 but acted younger and talked younger and made you think he was younger then 50? He was into cool stuff and loved things most people his age would not be into. Waterballon fights .. Climbing his giving tree. Supersoaker gun fights. Puppets shows magic shows I could go on and on. So how did he do it?

Knowing how to love. Children are all about love, they depend on adults for survival, when really its their capability to love that allows them into grow to beautiful souls, such as Michael.
Age is just a number. You're as young as you feel, and love prelongs youth.
He was probably making up for what he missed out on as a kid. When you miss out on something in your childhood you do tend to try to make up for it as an adult. I was poor as a child and my single mother (raising 5 kids with no support from "dad") couldn't afford to buy us a lot toys for birthdays, Christmas. She did the best she could with little money. I didn't have a bicycle until I was in my teens (and it was a second hand). My sister and I went through a phase in our 30's where we bought toys for ourselves and played with them. It was like, wow I can afford this stuff now.

I got it out of my system by my 40's...lol
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Michael said himself that children and their playfulness and innocence, are his greatest sources of inspiration. He knew that innocence and creativity were connected to being 'childlike', and he kept his inner child alive all his life. No matter what..

We should all try to do this :D