What time UK will Michaels funeral start ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I cant go to bed and know I need to be glued to sky news !
same here, I have the first day back at school early in the morning but I am staying up for this. DK why.
I have such mixed feelings, same as all of you I am sure. It does not feel real yet and I would like to be able to think if Michael family can let him rest then so can I and allow myself to enjoy Michael again without the pain of hearing his voice or reading too much in to lyrics etc
so this will be on tv,or what?don't understand ,lol?
don't know If I will watch this :cry:
i'm not sure if i want to stay up until 3am, for 1 i have to be in work at 6am and this may not be the right thing to be doing but i am now half way through a bottle of wine, have Michael playing (not to loud cos of neighbours)... and have candles burning. this is like final isn't it... i feel like shit. sorry
from mjjuk

Michael's body is already there at the Grand Mausoleum, Sky news just reported that they had it confirmed to them by police and a "recreational vehicle" arrived an hour ago with some family members inside.
i so wish i wasn,t on my own tonight but the only person i know that feels the same as me is my sister and she is miles away from me in Kent.
I'm going to bed soon. I don't want to be awake for this. I'm not going to follow the footage or threads. It hurts too much. The pain is unbearable. I've said my goodbyes already.
does anyone know what channels will be showing it? will bbc be showing it?
The funeral is not being televised, however they will be some footage from behind the gates I should imagen tomorrow because the media can't help themselves!

God Bless Michael
1958 - Forever
I just went to clear some space on our DVD hard drive so i could maybe tape some of this and i found the stuff i taped off the news from the day of the O2 press conference. It doesn't make any sense. I'd give anything to go back in time to that day now :(