What things are you dying to know about Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 21, 2009
There are Sooo many things I'd like to know about Michael. I'd do anything to get the chance to talk to a bodyguard or Grace or LMP or someone who was around him all the time - just to pick their brains about him!

So, what kind of things do you guys wonder about? Here are a few things I thought of on the way home tonight. Mostly silly stuff =P

*Did he bake cookies and make gingerbread houses and stuff with his kids at Christmastime? (Did they leave cookies and milk for Santa and did he eat them after they went to bed? :cheeky:)

*What do you think he said if any of the kids asked about where babies came from? :)lol:)

*What position did he sleep in? Tummy? Side? Curled? Back? Sprawled? LoL.

*Was he ever able to go to the beach? :(

I love hearing all those little terribly ordinary anecdotes and pieces of info. :)

[Edit: I'm talking strictly about trivial things, not the kind of personal questions Diane Sawyer and Oprah shamelessly tried to pry out of him. I would never disrespect him like that. These aren't questions I'd ask if I had the chance to talk to him, just things I wonder about.]
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The best thing about Michael was the Mystery he surrounded himself with. We know what we know because he let us in his life with sertin things. We don't need to know EVERY detail about Michael. Somethings are better left unsaid.
1. His first crush.. :p

2. Did any girls confess to him? If so, who? (I know a lot of girls did... so that will be interesting to know.)

3. When he writes a song, does he envision the scenery and the concept for the video as he makes it?

4. How was school in Gary, Garnett and his other private schools like? Did people treat him like any other classmate or were they in awe of him?

5. Who the heck was Billie Jean? (I have a feeling it's a specific person.)

6. Who is Dirty Diana? (It can't just be about groupies... :cheeky:)

I have more but that's all for now....
1. What the heck really happened with LMP lol

2. I know he separated himself from the world, and I understand that.. But why distance yourself from your family? Why?

3. how many girl friends did he really have? lol

4. Out of all his awards and achievements, which has meant the most to him and why?

5. I would also like to know who was billy jean and dirty diana.

6. His favorite performance

7. I would like to know what has been his biggest regret so far.

8. I remember that british boy said that Michael saw him on youtube once and loved him, and that's why Mike wanted him to perform with him. Knowing this, I wonder if Michael would spend hours looking at videos of himself, or of other people interpreting his stuff.

9. I want to know who he is talking about in ALL his songs. lol like what was he thinking about, or who when he wrote (Dangerous, Remember the time, You rock my world, break of dawn, heaven can wait, etc)

I have more but does are the only ones I can think of now.
10. oh, what is his ideal perfect women. lol regarding looks, how she acts, out going, reserve etc. I know we have an idea but I want to know what he REALLY thinks. Like whats the first thing to attract him to a women.
1. i'm interested if his children ever asked him where is their mother, and what he answerd?

2.who was his true love?

3.at what time did he get up in the morning? and went to bed at night?

4.how much time did he spend with his children in a day?
^ I don't see the problem...:scratch: This is just silliness. We're not asking him or trying to find out. (I probably wouldn't ask him these things even if I had the chance.) We're just wondering out loud.

Anyway, I'd like to know

*What his favorite YouTube video was
*If he liked/what he thought of Savannah, GA when he was here
*What his favorite season was (Autumn, maybe?)
*If he had a Wii (I can't imagine him not having one... But Omigosh, what I'd give to watch him playing Wii Tennis, :lol: :wub:)
MySerenity5, Billie Jean is a real person. He wrote the song about her after she claimed he fathered her twins, I believe.

Cleopatra09, in Living with Michael Jackson (2003), Martin Bashir asked Prince who his mother was, and he said he didn't have one.

PrincessMichaela, he watched Shaheen Jafargholi's Britain's Got Talent audition on YouTube an invited him to duet in This Is It.
PrincessMichaela, he watched Shaheen Jafargholi's Britain's Got Talent audition on YouTube an invited him to duet in This Is It.

Ya, I knew he was a YouTube fan, but I was just wondering what his like top 5 videos were. I'd have loved to have been YouTube friends with him and traded favorite videos since we have similar tastes and sense of humor. :)
10. oh, what is his ideal perfect women. lol regarding looks, how she acts, out going, reserve etc. I know we have an idea but I want to know what he REALLY thinks. Like whats the first thing to attract him to a women.

I think this will be the hardest question to answer lol Did you read his book Moonwalk?
He said he had scars on his skin cuz girls grabbed him with nails and pooled his hair. Crazy? Yes.
Probably the ideal women would be who never showed up lol
I wanna know if he is the youngest person on Rolling Stone mag when he appeared on the cover at age 11 or 12 in 70' or 71'? Because he is the only child that I have seen on the covers at times.

I hated the mag now since they started putting teenyboppers in there but I am liking the earlier ones in the 60's and 70's.
10. oh, what is his ideal perfect women. lol regarding looks, how she acts, out going, reserve etc. I know we have an idea but I want to know what he REALLY thinks. Like whats the first thing to attract him to a women.
It was in the rabbis book.
Someone who could climb trees and didn´t worry about their nails.
Didn´t he mention princess Dina as an ideal woman?
It was in the rabbis book.
Someone who could climb trees and didn´t worry about their nails.
Didn´t he mention princess Dina as an ideal woman?

Yes, he said he liked classy women, and women who can goof off with him, not afraid to have fun and climb trees, water balloon fights..etc...
I think this will be the hardest question to answer lol Did you read his book Moonwalk?
He said he had scars on his skin cuz girls grabbed him with nails and pooled his hair. Crazy? Yes.
Probably the ideal women would be who never showed up lol

haha i know! lol and I did read his book moonwalk. =)
9. I want to know who he is talking about in ALL his songs. lol like what was he thinking about, or who when he wrote (Dangerous, Remember the time, You rock my world, break of dawn, heaven can wait, etc)

In his early years, I don't think he was thinking of anyone. At his memorial, remember Smokey remarked on how he sang his Who's Loving You with all the depth and emotion of a MAN who had really loved hard and lost. Michael was 10 or 11 at the time, and could not have had that kind of experience. Part of his gift was his sensitivity and ability to connect with emotions that others had experienced, and convey those emotions to an audience.

Later, his innate sensitivity was layered with feelings he did experience. Who knows? He could have actually been thinking of Diana Ross when he was singing She's Out of My Life. He was only about 20 or 21. Theirs was a deep friendship, but for Michael, it was tinged with romantic idealism. He's even admitted he had a crush on her. Quincy says that he could not get through She's Out of My Life without crying. Coupled with his innate sensitivity, and his feelings of realizing he and Diana would NEVER happen, perhaps it was she he was thinking of at the time.

Of course, we'll never know. I do believe he greatly loved Lisa and Brooke and may have been thinking of them when he sang at times. But all in all, when it came to song expression, Michael could have just as likely been thinking of no one specifically or many people. That was his gift. After all, he convincingly conveyed his love for Ben the rat.
What some of his special "traditions" were between him and his kids - Christmas Eve, birthdays, certain bed time rituals, secret handshakes, etc. =)